Open knowledge at the UOC

What is open access? Which are its benefits? The open access publishing strategies, its legal framework, and much more.

soap bubbles

The UOC's institutional repository, O2

The portal that collates, disseminates and preserves the open-access digital publications that have been published by the UOC community.

Contents of the O2

The UOC's institutional repository includes resources that are structured in three sections:

  • Academics: this section contains the teaching materials and the learning objects generated by UOC faculty's teaching activity (teaching modules, educational videos, study guides, continuous assessment tests, examinations, examination decisions, etc.), provided that these documents are available under an open-access dissemination license and the UOC is holder of the intellectual property rights. It also contains the final bachelor's degree or master's degree projects and the practicums deposited by students.
  • Research: this section contains the open-access publications derived from the UOC's research activity deposited by the teaching and research staff. Of particular note are the doctoral theses, lectures and conference presentations, in addition to articles (preprints, postprints, etc.), reviews and book chapters or parts.
  • Institutional: other UOC institutional resources that are considered to be of interest to society, such as reports, opening classes, etc.

Each of these sections is structured hierarchically as follows:

  • Communities
  • Sub-communities
  • Collections


Objectives of the O2

The repository's objectives are the following:

  • Be a portal for the dissemination of the digital documents produced by members of the UOC within the framework of their research, teaching and administrative activity, to increase their visibility and impact in Catalonia, Spain and abroad.
  • Preserve the digital documentation generated by the University and guarantee its accessibility in the future.
  • Foster open access (OA) to scientific information following the green route, in other words, facilitating self-archiving of publications, and also promote depositing of open-access educational resources (OER).