Request a book loan or an article
Use the Library search engine to find books, articles and more.
Books on loan
If you find a book that is only available in print, you can ask to borrow it. Here's how. The service is available in Spain and Andorra.
How it works?
Make a request
Find the book you're looking for with the Library search engine, log in if you haven't already done so, and click on Borrow.
Choose the delivery method:
- Jaume Fuster Library in Barcelona
- Other options (you will only see this if you have added your address in your account). The courier company will contact you to arrange delivery.
- UOC 22@ (UOC staff only)
View or cancel your loans from My Account, in the search engine itself.
Pick it up
We'll email your UOC account to let you know when you can pick up the book.
Always bring your UOC card and your identity document.
Return or renew
You can renew loans before the loan expiry date, provided the books have not been reserved by someone else, in the search engine's My Account section.
Returning books:
- Jaume Fuster Library in Barcelona.
- Returns box at the entrance of the O Building on the UOC Campus.
- If you have chosen Other options as the delivery method for your loan, we'll email you instructions to your UOC account.
Expand your search
If you can't find what you're looking for in the UOC Library, click on Extend your search to other libraries (at the top of the search engine) to check whether it's available at other libraries in Spain or internationally; the extended search also includes the Catalan University Union Catalogue.
If you still can't find it...
Click on Still no success? We'll find it for you (at the top of the search tool) and a form to request this will appear.