
Request a book loan or an article

Use the Library search engine to find books, articles and more.

Books on loan

If you find a book that is only available in print, you can ask to borrow it. Here's how. The service is available in Spain and Andorra. 

How it works?

  1. Make a request

    Find the book you're looking for with the Library search engine, log in if you haven't already done so, and click on Borrow.

    Choose the delivery method:

    View or cancel your loans from My Account, in the search engine itself.

  2. Pick it up

    We'll email your UOC account to let you know when you can pick up the book.

    Always bring your UOC card and your identity document.

  3. Return or renew

    You can renew loans before the loan expiry date, provided the books have not been reserved by someone else, in the search engine's My Account section.

    Returning books:

Expand your search

Request an item from another university library in Catalonia

Simply choose the Catalan University Union Catalogue option from the search engine's drop-down menu.

Consult the conditions for the processing of personal data relating to this loan.

Request an item from other Spanish or international institutions

If you can't find the item using the Library's search engine, fill in the form and we'll look for it elsewhere.

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