International Open Access Week 2023
Each year, the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition (SPARC) organizes International Open Access Week, a forum for sharing knowledge and learning about the benefits of publishing free, immediate and unrestricted content. The event will take place from 24 to 30 October under the theme Community over Commercialization and the UOC will participate by organizing events and providing informative material on open publishing.

Total content in the UOC's O2 Repository |
18,975 |
teaching documents
Final projects (11,397)
Open-access learning resources (2,639)
Continuous assessment tests (43)
research documents
Scientific articles (2,700)
Doctoral theses (230)
Datasets (15)
Other (731)
institutional documents
Editorial UOC books (86)
Other (1,134)
- Accés obert, sens dubte!(link opens in a new window)
- Research Data Management (catalan)(link opens in a new window)
- What's a DMP or Data Management Plan? (english subtitles)(link opens in a new window)
- Library guide: Research data management tools(link opens in a new window)
- Library guide: Responsible Research & Innovation (RRI)(link opens in a new window)