Publish and disseminate your research

How does the research publication process work? Do you know about copyright and editorial policies? Do you want to increase the dissemination of your scientific production? Take a look at the recommendations and services we offer!


We provide you with support throughout the research publication process as well as information about a range of aspects, such as what to take into account when writing and publishing an article, how to decide in which journals to publish, open-access publication, and intellectual property and copyright.

One of the most relevant aspects in the publishing stage are article processing charges (APC). Below you will find up-to-date information on the current agreements between the University and the different publishers. You may be able to apply for a reduction of the APC amount or publish in open access.

  1. Search for information

    Learn to use the tools and services we offer to find information quickly and easily.

  2. Manage data and information

    Learn how to cite your sources, and manage reference lists and research data.

  3. Publish and disseminate your research

  4. Evaluate your research

    Learn how research is evaluated, what bibliometric indicators are and how social impact is measured.