30 examples of final projects that may inspire you
Subject: Multidisciplinary
The following is a list of just some of the final bachelor's and master's degree projects that have been completed at the UOC. You are sure to find it useful if you're in the process of taking an in depth at the subjects that most interest you, or perhaps even as a reference when writing your own final project.
They have been awarded prizes from their respective faculties in recognition of their excellence. And of course you will find each one in the O2 in open access, available permanently and for free.
Information and Communication Sciences
- «AURORA, tu asistente meteorológico», by Laura Milán Plaza
This project, in Spanish, discusses an app that offers educational weather information with customizable functions that can be adapted to the user.
- «Ciència oberta i humanitats digitals: una aproximació des de l'arqueologia catalana», by Laura Tomàs Valldepérez
This project in Catalan analyses the current state of Catalan archaeology in relation to open science and digital humanities and defines its positives and negatives.
- «El protocol de la Generalitat de Catalunya en democràcia (1980-2017)», by Mercè Romagosa Huguet
Written in Catalan, this project analyses the structure and functions of the protocol offices of both the Government of Catalonia and its presidents from the 1980s to the present day.
- «El repte d'informar-se en la societat digital: joves, nous consums i fake news», by Anna Montero Farrero
This research paper, written in Catalan, opens a window onto the consumer habits of young people aged between 14 and 16, with an emphasis on news.
- «Estrategia electoral en Twitter de los principales líderes políticos durante las Elecciones Generales en España 2019», by Vicente Martínez Juan
This project in Spanish explores how Spain's four main political leaders used Twitter for the electoral campaign of 12 and 26 April 2019.
- «El mito y la retórica narrativa en la publicidad de perfumes», by Alba Madero Milla
This project analyses the validity of archetypes in audiovisual narrative by looking at five perfume advertisements. In Spanish.
Psychology and Education Sciences
- «Case study: the effects of past experiences of direct bullying on a same-sex couple», by Víctor Sánchez Salvador
This study examines a same-sex relationship to analyse whether it is possible to identify the long-term effects of homophobic harassment within the relationship and what these are exactly.
- «L'acció socioeducativa amb adolescents i joves sense referents familiars al territori: anàlisi i propostes des de l'educació social», by Àngela Alonso Ramírez
This qualitative study looks at socio-educational actions taken with adolescents and young people lacking family role models in the Catalan towns of Girona and Salt. The work suggests the improvements that need to be made in order to successfully create favourable conditions for young people's full development, so that they may progress socially and culturally as active members of their host community.
- «"M'Enriqueixo": una mesura d'intervenció educativa per atendre a alumnes amb altes capacitats intel·lectuals», by Laura Morales Oliver
A case study of two highly gifted pupils who suffered motivationally and emotionally due to a lack of support from or the specific way they were treated by their school.
Law and Political Science
- «La psicopatia: gestió penal i penitenciària. Estem preparats?», by Laura Arantegui Arràez
This project, in Catalan, offers a characterization of psychopathy and analyses its management using an empirical evidence-based approach.
- «El tratamiento jurídico-penal del bullying entre adolescentes», by Eva María Romero Torres
In this project, written in Spanish, the author associates each behaviour type related to bullying to the criminal offence that might classify it and its disciplinary consequences.
- «Pla de millora de la qualitat de les Oficines d'Assistència en Matèria de Registres d'una administració local», by David Pastor Vila
This project gives a self-assessment of the Registry Help Offices (OAMR) of a town council using the EFQM quality management model. In Catalan.
Economics and Business
- «Female Solo Travel», by Vanessa Martínez Castaño
This project, written in Spanish, researches and proposes the guidelines to follow when designing a range of products for solo female travellers.
- «Les polítiques de permisos parentals com a element clau per trencar el sostre de vidre i la bretxa salarial», by Alba Edo Jové
Written in Catalan, this project draws a parallel between parental leave policies and gender bias in the labour market and in unpaid work in home and family care.
- «Airbnb a Catalunya "Sol i platja" i economia de plataforma», by Xandra Troyano Gontá
This project in Catalan casts a light on what Airbnb is really like, how it is distributed, its distinguishing features and its current penetration in Catalonia.
Estudis d'Arts i Humanitats
- «Sí... Però, ara, ¿què faràs, aquí? Estratègies narratives de plasmació de la immigració, l'alteritat i la subalternitat a "La pell de la frontera", de Francesc Serés», by Roger Prims i Vila
Analysis in Catalan of how Catalan literature has depicted the migratory phenomenon based on an exegesis of La pell de la frontera (2014), by Francesc Serés.
- «La distribució del vi de la Laietània a l'illa de Menorca», by Cristina Bravo Asensio
This research paper, written in Catalan, focuses on the reception of Laietani wine in the early days of the Roman domination of Minorca, between the late second century BC and the first century AD.
- «Genealogia de l'irracional: la raó intempestiva i el gir emocional», by Jordi Romero Bastida
This project looks at philosophy and its relationship with emotions, more specifically the role that emotions play in the creation and formulation of content and knowledge. In Catalan.
Computer Science, Multimedia and Telecommunications
- «Ontologia per a la cerca dels punts més idonis per carregar el vehicle elèctric a Barcelona», by Patricia Andolz Santacana
Written in Catalan, this project uses ontology to make all the information regarding charging points in Barcelona more accessible.
- «LiquidStrip: una propuesta técnica de visualización líquida inter-dispositivo para la narración gráfica», by Alba Jato Bravo
This project, written in Spanish, offers a fresh approach to viewing today's comics on multimedia devices so that artists can adapt them using a web language app.
- «Sistema de seguiment de vehicles via web basat en GPS, GPRS i Arduino», by David Moreno Cabruja
Prototype that uses the Arduino platform to monitor vehicles in real time using GPRS and GPS technologies.
- «ELISA validation in the pharmaceutical industry: a mixed-effects models approach with R», by Albert Mayola Coromina
This project uses both mixed-effects linear models and then mixed-effects non-linear models as a tool for establishing a parallel between test and reference product preparations when conducting complete dose-response trials.
- «Anàlisi predictiu del volum d'aigua en embassaments catalans», by Jordi Font Marcé
Written in Catalan, this project uses data science methodology to compare various predictive models regarding the volume of water in Catalan reservoirs.
- «Optimization of muscle simulation with extended position based dynamics applying jacobi and graph-coloring methods», by Carlos Monteagudo Mañas
This project attempts to optimize the Muscle Simulation with Extended Position Based Dynamics model of Romeo et al. (2018), applying parallelization techniques in multithreading CPUs.
- «El sistema de comunicaciones móviles de próxima generación 5G y su caso de uso IoT», by Susana Pérez Mantilla
This project, written in Spanish, looks at the state of 5G technology and its use within the IoT. It explains how these two technologies are related and describes the antennas, bands and networks that use them.
- «Estudi i desenvolupament d'un crypter», by Oriol Castejón i Company
This project develops a proprietary crypter that can be used for malware detection with different anti-virus programs. In Catalan.
- «FutureLab: Diseño y desarrollo de un prototipo de alta resolución de una app móvil con inteligencia artificial, para ayudar a los estudiantes en la elección de formación universitaria», by Andrea Castiñeira Canosa
This project, in Spanish, is the prototype for a mobile-first app that aids in the university education selection process; guides and adapts students' expectations, tastes and needs; and improves institutions and their range of courses.
- «Desarrollo de una aplicación móvil para el estudio de patrones musicales en la guitarra», by Alberto Banet Masa
This work describes an app that aims to help guitar students in their musical education by exploring the programming environment that Apple offers for video game development on mobile apps. In Spanish.
- «Aplicación web para la gestión de consultas médicas», by Alejandro Carmona Martos
This project, published in Spanish, focuses on a web app to manage private medical consultations. Users can organize their own consultation independently and even have the option of creating a medical record.
Health Sciences
- «Grado de insatisfacción corporal y riesgo de trastorno del comportamiento alimentario en una población adolescente», by Mariña Fontenla Fortes
This project, in Spanish, looks at how prevalent the risk of developing an eating disorder is in two differently-aged adolescent populations and analyses the degree of body dissatisfaction.
- «Criterios de asignación de trabajadoras sociales sanitarios en los centros de salud de Barcelona en base a recursos disponibles y a necesidades de la población», by Jordi Riba Cebrián
Written in Spanish, this project attempts to solve the problem of assigning new professional resources fairly among social healthcare workers at health centres.
Projects which receive a recommendation from the teaching staff for publication in the institutional repository can be self-published by following these steps:
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