Socially engaged research and teaching
University teaching staff are in a position to drive change and social transformation. This library guide equips them with tools for raising awareness among students, and integrating and promoting socially engaged research in their programmes of study.

What does socially engaged research and teaching involve?
This library guide was created as part of the European CIRCLET project (@CIRCLET_EU) that the UOC is involved in. Its mission is to encourage teaching staff to include community engaged research and learning (CERL) in the courses they teach. This involves fostering collaboration with organizations and institutions in the community.
The aim is for research and teaching to tackle real-life problems together, which could lead to boosting mobility in a certain city district or improving patients' quality of life.
A report on the role of community engagement in improving actions carried out by universities in response to social needs. It proposes a broader definition of the term and stresses its relevance in the post-COVID-19 pandemic period.
Farnell, T. (2020). Community engagement in higher education: trends, practices and policies. NESET report. Publications Office of the European Union. doi: 10.2766/071482
A Brown University portal explaining engaged research and its differences with traditional research and providing useful resources.
Brown University (n.d.). Engaged research. Retrieved from
An Irish Research Council publication defining engaged research and explaining its theoretical and practical principles within the framework of its application in Ireland.
Engage, C. (2016). Engaged Research: Society and higher education: Addressing grand societal challenges together. Retrieved from
How do I design and plan my course?
Guide with resources for teaching staff wishing to start or enhance ongoing CERL projects, as well as developing the skills and know-how to carry them to completion.
Bates, C., McCann, S., & McGowan, C. (2018). Guide for Facilitators. Online Continuing Professional Development Module on Embedding Community Engaged Research and Learning in Higher Education Curricula. Retrieved from
A University College London guide to developing learning programmes associated with the university community through co-creation with outside partners.
The Community Engaged Learning Service (n.d.). Five steps to developing a Community Engaged Learning programme, module or project. UCL Arena Centre. Retrieved July 21, 2021 from /2019/nov/five-steps-developing-community-engaged-learning-programme-module-or-project
An article highlighting the wide range of academic strategies and the consequences arising from the inclusion of civic engagement in Irish higher education teaching.
Boland, J.A. (2014). Orientations to civic engagement: insights into the sustainability of a challenging pedagogy. Studies in Higher Education, 39(1), 180-195. /cdi_crossref_primary_10_1080_03075079_2011_648177
Tools for educators for revitalizing and redesigning curricula in higher education, from a responsible research and innovation perspective.
Tassone, V. and Eppink, H. (2016, June 30). The EnRRICH Tool for Educators: (Re-)Designing curricula in higher education from a “Responsible Research and Innovation” perspective. EnRRICH Project.
Blended learning
A toolkit for higher education teaching staff on designing blended/hybrid learning courses (those combining classroom and online learning).
Anthoney, M., Jacobson, J. and Snare, J. (2018). Innovating with Purpose: The Blended Flow Toolkit for Designing Blended/Hybrid Courses. Educause Learning Initiative. Retrieved July 28, 2021 from
A set of resources from Seattle University for planning learning activities in courses combining classroom and online learning.
Centre for Digital Learning Innovation (n.d.). CDLI Blended Flow Toolkit. Seattle University. Retrieved from
Inclusivity and accessibility in learning
Ten tips on creating inclusive and accessible online assessments within the framework of Irish higher education.
National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education and AHEAD (2020). 10 Ways to Ensure On-Line Assessment is Accessible and Inclusive. DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.13365551. Retrieved July 28, 2021 from
Infographic on how to design web pages with accessibility in mind.
How to make good surveys
Reflection as a guiding thread
Incentivar la reflexió
A bibliographical review of the development of the concept of reflection, as well as the associated challenges and benefits.
Thejll-Madsen, T. (2018). Reflection literature review. Employability Consultancy, University of Edinburgh. Retrieved from
Free training from The Open University on applying critical and reflective thinking in academic and professional contexts, from an educational perspective.
Addae-Kyeremeh, E. (n.d.). Applying critical and reflective thinking in academic and professional contexts: education perspective – classroom practice. Open University. Retrieved from /ocw/mod/oucontent/view.php?id=64118
Free training from The Open University on critical reflection in higher education, with examples of good and bad practices.
Addae-Kyeremeh, E. and Rezaie, P. (n.d.). Examples of good and poor critical reflection. Open University. Retrieved from§ion=3.2
A document from the University of Limerick explaining the theoretical and conceptual foundations of reflective learning, together with its benefits and guidelines on its application.
Quillinan, B. (2017). UL Engage: Reflection in Community Engaged Learning. Retrieved from /engage/sites/default/files/Reflection%20in%20community%20engaged%20learning_0.pdf
An interactive questionnaire for assessing your digital skills. It includes advice on how to develop them based on your profile.
All Aboard (n.d.). Your digital confidence profile. Retrieved July 28, 2021 from /AAlessons/profiler/story_html5.html
A document from Otago Polytechnic explaining what reflective writing is, what the main differences are compared with traditional academic writing and the structure it should have.
Otago Polytechnic (n.d.). Reflective Writing. Retrieved from
A document from the University of Cumbria explaining Gibbs's structured debriefing, a diagram in the form of a continuous circle to act as a tool in support of experiential learning.
University of Cumbria (2020). Gibbs’ reflective cycle. Retrieved from
An explanation of the importance of values in reflection and tips for identifying your own.
The University of Edinburgh (n.d,). Values. Retrieved from
A selection of activities for improving students' learning experiences through reflection in the classroom.
Sloan, D. (n.d.). Reflection Activities. Retrieved from
Revision in research
A guide for supporting teachers in teaching students the peer review system, and how to coach them to craft better feedback during their reviews.
Duncan, L. (2020, April 16). A Guide to Coaching Students for Effective Peer Review. Brightspace Community. Retrieved from
A support document from Ireland's National Forum on assessment-related terms in Irish higher education.
National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (2017). Expanding our Understanding of Assessment and Feedback in Irish Higher Education. DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.4786300. Retrieved July 28, 2021 from
Sharing research
An article setting out ten measures researchers can adopt to disseminate their research in an innovative and attractive way.
Ross-Hellauer, T., Tennant, J. P., Banelytė, V., Gorogh, E., Luzi, D., Kraker, P., Pisacane, L., Ruggieri, R., Sifacaki, E. and Vignoli, M. (2020). Ten simple rules for innovative dissemination of research. PLoS Comput Biol 16(4): e1007704. Retrieved from
An article providing a process for disseminating the results of community-based participatory research projects.
McDavitt, B., Bogart, L. M., Mutchler, M. G, Wagner, G. J., Green, H. D. Jr, Lawrence, S. J, et al. (2016). Dissemination as Dialogue: Building Trust and Sharing Research Findings Through Community Engagement. Preventing Chronic Disease, 13: 150473. Retrieved from
The European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity serves the European research community as a framework for self-regulation for all research settings, across all scientific and scholarly disciplines.
All European Academics (2017). The European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity. Berlin: Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities. Retrieved from
Resources for implementing open access in responsible research and innovation.
RRI Tools. (2016). Open Access in RRI means. Retrieved from
Participatory teaching and research with organizations
One of CIRCLET's lines of work is to foster and strengthen knowledge co-creation processes with social stakeholders in university teaching. The UOC encourages students to undertake participatory final projects so that they can focus their future research on tackling social challenges and working with non-profit organizations.
What does imply
A guide on ethical aspects to be borne in mind when partnering with community organizations in the creation or design of learning and research projects.
Ethics of Community – Higher Education Engagement (2018), Campus Engage Ireland. Retrieved from /Ethics-of-Community-HE-Engagement-WEB.pdf
A guide for communities outside of Ireland's higher education institutions for establishing meaningful partnerships.
Campus Community Partnerships (2018), Campus Engage Ireland. Retrieved from
A guide to the ethical and practice principles to be employed in community-based participatory research using data associated with participants' everyday lives.
Centre for Social Justice and Community Action, Durham University (UK) and National coordinating Centre for Public Engagement (UK) (2012). A guide to ethical principles and practice. Retrieved from
A guide for students and teaching staff explaining the benefits of approaches involving collaborative processes between the two groups, and providing practical tips.
Queen's University Belfast (n.d). A guide to engaging students through a partnership approach in teaching and learning. Retrieved from
TED Talk by Ernesto Sirolli, an expert in sustainable development, explaining the importance of listening to the community we seek to help before embarking on projects.
Sirolli, E. (2012). Want to help someone? Shut up and listen.TED Conferences. /ernesto_sirolli_want_to_help_someone_shut_up_and_listen/transcript
A blog entry explaining the importance of ethics in securing the engagement of the communities with which we work and how to apply it.
Stuart, G. (2013). Ethics and Community Engagement /2013/07/09/ethics-and-community-engagement/
A collection of key projects, resources and tips for fostering partnerships with higher education students.
AdvancedHE (2020). Student engagement through partnership in higher education. Retrieved from
The official website of the National Co-ordinating Centre for Public Engagement, an institution inspiring and supporting universities to incentivize public participation.
National Co-ordinating Centre for Public Engagement. (2018). Images of Public Engagement. United Kingdom: Bristol. Retrieved from /images-public-engagement-2018
A route map setting out a number of points to consider with regard to relations between academic researchers and their partners in community-engaged research in order to maintain solid bonds throughout every stage of the process.
Ross, L. F., Loup, A., Nelson, R. M., Botkin, J. R., Kost, R., Smith, G. R., and Gehlert, S. (2010). The Challenges of Collaboration for Academic and Community Partners in a Research Partnership: Points to Consider. Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics, 5(1), 19–31. Retrieved from /permalink/34CSUC_UOC/166h2gj/cdi_proquest_miscellaneous_733519638
Tools to promote it
A toolkit for helping organizations to create partnerships to support learning environments.
The Colorado Education Initiative, Generation Schools Network (n.d.). Designing community partnerships to expand student learning: a toolkit. Retrieved from /designing-community-partnerships-to-expand-student-learning-toolkit/
A toolkit to help organizations to implement innovative, impactful and communicative strategies with the community.
Department of Health and Human Services (2012). Engaging your community: a toolkit for partnership, collaboration and action. Retrieved from
A University of Edinburgh toolkit to support personal reflection or to facilitate reflection in others.
The University of Edinburgh. (2022). Reflection Toolkit. Retrieved from
A set of assessment and reflection tools and resources for community-based participatory research (CBPR) and community-engaged research (CEnR) projects or associations.
The University of New Mexico (n.d.). CBPR Engage for Equity (2015-2020). Retrieved from
CERL project assessment and success stories
How to approach assessment
An article providing a global overview of the assessment of service-learning initiatives, providing data to show their effectiveness and for refining current initiatives.
Holland, Barbara A. A Comprehensive Model for Assessing Service-Learning and Community-University Partnerships. New Directions for Higher Education, 51-60. Retrieved from /cdi_wiley_primary_10_1002_he_13_HE13
An article with assessment case studies developed at Portland State University to measure the impact of service learning on students, faculty and other members of the community.
Driscoll, A., Holland, B., Gelmon, S., and Kerrigan, S. (1996). An Assessment Model for Service-Learning: Comprehensive Case Studies of Impact on Faculty, Students, Community, and Institution. Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning. Retrieved from
Article on the Shumer Self-Assessment for Service-Learning (SSASL) system aimed at sector professionals seeking to assess their current initiatives.
Shumer, R. D., Duttweiler, P., Furco, A., Hengel, M. S. and Willems, G. (2000). Shumer's Self-Assessment for Service Learning. Retrieved from
An explanation of what participative assessment is and its benefits, within the framework of project development.
Rabinowitz, P. (n.d.). Participatory Evaluation. The Community Tool Box. Centre for Community Health and Development, University of Kansas. Retrieved August 24, 2021 from /participatory-evaluation/main
A systematic review of community‐engaged research (CEnR) projects that can help demonstrate their impact upon society.
Luger, T. M., Hamilton, A. B., & True, G. (2020). Measuring community-engaged research contexts, processes, and outcomes: a mapping review. The Milbank Quarterly, 98(2), 493-553. Retrieved from /cdi_pubmedcentral_primary_oai_pubmedcentral_nih_gov_7296434
First-hand accounts and success stories
Project examples
Find out how CIRCLET was run in the classrooms of the various partner universities by exploring inspiring examples from around the world.
Librarians responsible for this library guide
Lis Balcells
Operative subgroup: Librarian for Computer Science, Multimedia and Telecommunications, vocational training Operative group: Library for LearningÀgueda Mercadal
Operative subgroup: Librarian for Psychology and Education, vocational training Operative group: Library for Learning