Library guides
Subject: Economy and Business Psychology and Educational SciencesPsychosocial risks in the workplace
Work related stress, arising from aspects related to conditions and organization of work, has a negative impact on the physical and psychological health of the workforce, as well as on the effective functioning of organizations.
Currently psychosocial risks are one of the main causes of work-related accidents and illness. For this reason, the identification and assessment of psychosocial risks in the workplace is one of the main challenges to be addressed in terms of both the health of workers, and that of the organizations in which they are employed.

What are psychosocial risks in the workplace?
Some definitions of psychosocial risks in the workplace are presented in order to facilitate a better understanding of how they may be identified and assessed.
Definition of psychosocial risks and stress in the workplace given on the website of the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA). This is a European Union agency whose primary objective is to promote safety and health in the workplace.
Definition of psychosocial risks and stress in the workplace, and access to associated documentation available on the World Health Organization's (WHO) website. WHO is the directing and coordinating authority on international health within the United Nations system.
Description of psychosocial risks in the workplace given on the website of the Trade Union Institute of Work, Environment and Health (ISTAS), which is an independent foundation concerned with technical and union matters supported by the Comissions Obreres (CCOO) trade union. Its general goal is to support activities aimed at improving working conditions, protecting the environment and promoting workers' health in Spain.
Definition of psychosocial risks given by Wikipedia in English, explaining the main causes and the effects or consequences for workers of exposure to psychosocial risks. The entry also includes a selection of relevant links.
Definition given by the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS), which describes in detail the 13 risks that have been identified by researchers at the Simon Fraser University (SFU) in Canada.
Librarians responsible for this library guide
Albert Cervera
Operative subgroup: Librarian for Economics and Business, vocational training and advanced-level training courses for professionals Operative group: Library for LearningÀgueda Mercadal
Operative subgroup: Librarian for Psychology and Education, vocational training Operative group: Library for Learning