Research staff
Library services and resources to make your life as a researcher easier.
Research stages
Search for information
Learn to use the tools and services we offer to find information quickly and easily.
Manage data and information
Learn how to cite your sources, and manage reference lists and research data.
Publish and disseminate your research
We explain how the publication process works and how to raise the profile of your research.
Evaluate your research
Learn how research is evaluated, what bibliometric indicators are and how social impact is measured.
The essentials
- Open knowledge at the UOC
- O2, the UOC's institutional repository(link opens in a new window)
- Knowledge communication guide(link opens in a new window)
- Search the digital collection by field
- Intellectual property
- How to cite
- BiblioSkills training
- About the UOC's ebooks
- Welcome Kit for new researchers
The Library in figures
- 8.7 million
downloads a year of books, articles and other content
We are digital
- Over 50,000
learning resources in the University's classrooms
Here to help students
- Over 21,281
documents in the UOC's O2 repository.
Committed to open knowledge
- 9/10
The rating given to The Library Replies service
Quality help
- Over 50
experts supporting learning and research
Support for the UOC community