Bibliometrics offers statistical data on the UOC's scientific production and analyses its impact and quality based on national and international bibliometric indicators.

Evaluate your research
Learn how research is assessed, what bibliometric indicators are and how social impact is measured. We offer the requisite resources and services.
How are scientific publications assessed? What are the so-called bibliometric indicators, which are based on citation analysis? How do you measure the impact of social media publications? Are there alternative indicators? We explain everything you need to know about evaluating scientific production.
First, we recommend you access and use Bibliometrics, the UOC tool that allows you to analyse the university's scientific production.
Second, you can consult the list of UOC research staff, which includes links to their scientific production pages:
Consult the curriculum vitae pages of the UOC's researchers.
The Catalan Research Portal offers a single site for the visualization and dissemination of the research activity carried out in Catalonia in relation to researchers, publications, theses, research groups and projects for the international scientific community, funding organizations and the general public, facilitating open access to scientific production.
Consult the scientific production of UOC researchers indexed on Dialnet, the open-access bibliographic portal developed by the University of La Rioja.
Next, we recommend you consult the page on how to publish an article, which explains the impact factor, rank and quartile of a journal and how to find the indicators:
The impact factor, rank and quartile of a journal with respect to others in its field are very important criteria when selecting where to publish research. On this page, we explain all the information you need to know about these indicators.
Finally, we recommend you consult DORA (Declaration on Research Assessment), which the UOC signed in May 2019.
Accreditation agencies
Accreditation agencies are the bodies responsible for defining the criteria on which research proposals and their impact are assessed. Below you will find links to the main agencies in Spain.
It promotes and assesses quality in the Catalan university system.
ANECA is a foundation whose objective is to improve the quality of the Spanish higher education system.
Search for information
Learn to use the tools and services we offer to find information quickly and easily.
Manage data and information
Learn how to cite your sources, and manage reference lists and research data.
Publish and disseminate your research
We explain how the publication process works and how to raise the profile of your research.
Evaluate your research