Library guides
Subject: MultidisciplinaryEvaluation of scientific journals
Scientific output is evaluated according to the journal in which the scientific article was published and the citations that this has received. This section describes the most widely used international and national bibliometric indicators to evaluate scientific journals.

International bibliometric indexes
The leading international bibliometric indexes, describing their indicators and level of classification, and their temporal, geographical and thematic scope.
Impact factor: measures the frequency with which a journal has been cited in the last two years. It is used to compare journals and evaluate the relative importance of a journal within the same field of science.
Quartile: If the list of journals in the same category, arranged from highest to lowest impact factor, is divided into four equal parts, each of these parts is a Quartile. The journals with the highest impact factor are in the first Quartile.
The main objective of ERIH PLUS is to improve global visibility of high-quality research in the humanities and social sciences published in academic journals in various European languages in Europe.
Since July 9, 2014, ERIH PLUS has been expanded to include the social sciences but has lost indicators 2011 (INT1 ,INT2 ,NAT).
Provides data CiteScore and percentile where the scientific journals are positioned journals according to the information taken from the Scopus database.
Citescore: average number of citations received in a given year of articles published in a journal in the three previous years.
SJR: provides the SCImago Journal Rank (SJR) indicator, which evaluates the impact of a publication by combining the number of citations received with the influence of the publications that cite it.
SNIP: compares the impact of journals from different subject areas.
Quartile: if the list of journals in the same category, arranged from highest to lowest impact factor, is divided into four equal parts, each of these parts is a Quartile. The journals with the highest impact factor are in the first Quartile.
Database produced by Elsevier which includes some 18,000 publications about 5,000 international publishers. It is a new navigation tool that includes the largest collection worldwide multidisciplinary abstracts, references and indexes of scientific literature, technical and medical.
Scopus allows to know the number of times an article has been cited, to find web resources and patents.
For each journal, it establishes a rating that refers to the fulfilment of formal criteria by the journals evaluated on the basis of 36 criteria for paper journals and 38 criteria for e-journals.
It tells us whether the journal is regarded as scientific research, scientific and cultural dissemination or professional technical.