About the library

The Library is integrated into the UOC classrooms, too, and you will find many of its resources in the Learning resources section of the Virtual Campus.

Global impact #2030Agenda

The UOC is a global university committed to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

The Library team also contributes to overcoming today's major global challenges by promoting open knowledge and helping to integrate the gender perspective in teaching and research.

Our commitment to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) has led us to collaborate with the Camilo José Cela University Library to promote joint awareness-raising actions around the 2030 Agenda, such as this compilation of content on Emilia Pardo Bazán and the Shared narratives campaign to highlight the legacy of women writers.


The Library and the gender perspective

We work with others to mainstream the gender perspective in teaching and to ensure that all courses have learning resources and content that are free from gender bias and that highlight the role of leading female figures.

We also help to promote and highlight gender equality in research and knowledge transfer.


The Library and the UOC's Gender Equality Plan

The Library participates in the UOC 2020-2024 Gender Equality Plan, which is the roadmap for reducing gender inequality in the university sphere.

The Library helps to deliver on the goals of the UOC's Equality Plan through the following actions.

Other tools and resources

We also provide content and resources on key dates to provide students and teachers with materials related to gender studies or to help them raise the profile of affective, sexual and gender diversity.

Gender perspective – Learning resources

"How does the Library contribute to the integration of the gender perspective in teaching at the UOC? Dialogue with the Equality Unit"