
The UOC’s scientific journals in figures

Subject:  Multidisciplinary
White numbers in a red background

International presence and major academic impact: the characteristics of UOC publications, presented in a new infographic.

Authors and reviewers from 5 continents, close to 1,700 published articles and over 200 members of scientific committees from around the world. These are just some of the statistics included in the new infographic on the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya’s scientific journals dating from 1999 to 2016, available in two formats: an interactive map and a static version. Here you will find a visual representation of the five dimensions that shape the identity of the UOC’s academic publications: consolidation within the academic network, internationalization, scientific impact of the articles, Internet activity and gender equality at every stage of the publishing process.

Academic network. Throughout the life of the UOC’s seven publications, an extensive academic network has been developed, made up of authors (1,534), reviewers (537) and members of scientific committees (243). In addition, the UOC is or has been a joint publisher with 6 universities and institutions: University of Antioquia, University of Los Andes (Colombia), University of New England (Australia), Carles Pi i Sunyer Foundation, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, and University of Barcelona.

Internationalization. One of the principal lines of action of the strategic plan for UOC scientific publications is the dissemination and visibility of their content around the world. The infographic shows how this challenge has made a promising start. From New Zealand to Colombia to Nigeria: the international network of the journals is extensive. In fact, it has authors from 45 countries, reviewers from 38 countries and committee members from 22 countries

Gender equality. The presence of women is considerable in the publishing teams, among authors (45%), reviewers (41%) and members of the management team (35%). A trend which sadly is not commonplace in faculties and professions related to science, technology and innovation.

References to UOC content. The 100 articles published every year in university publications are available on the main academic databases, such as Scopus, Google Scholar and WoS. However, the most important aspect is the significant academic impact they generate through their citations.

Internet activity. In order to increase the visibility of the content, the academic research has also adapted itself to the context of new technologies. In the infographic, we can see the number of visitors to the websites of the journals and their followers on social media.
