
The Library compiles almost 100 UOC resources on gender studies

Subject:  Multidisciplinary
Author: Sandra Pérez

The UOC community is now able to consult many of the educational materials used on courses at the university.

You will find modules and videos that the UOC has produced for gender mainstreaming in teaching.

Enter GENDERUOC in the Library search engine to find the learning resources on gender, women, feminisms and sexualities.

You can now use the Library to consult the learning resources produced at the UOC which address issues concerning gender, women, feminisms and sexualities in various fields of study. They are part of the educational materials that are worked on during the courses so that students and future professionals can apply the gender perspective and develop a critical spirit that enables them to recognize gender inequalities in their discipline. For example, they deal with the adversities that women face in the audiovisual industry, how women's activities have been overlooked in the study of history, and the reproduction of gender stereotypes in news coverage by the media.

The teaching staff in the various faculties have asked for these resources to be developed as part of the University's commitment to reducing gender inequalities. The UOC's 2020-2024 Equality Plan is the roadmap to achieve this goal and, among other projects, it encourages students to learn using learning resources that do not convey androcentric and biased knowledge, and that highlight the presence of female role models. One of the actions included in the plan has been the compilation of a series of resources to make educational materials on gender available to the entire university community.

To consult these resources, simply enter GENDERUOC in the Library search engine. Some can be consulted by entering your Virtual Campus username and password, but many others have been published in open access format so that everyone can access them.

Put on your gender glasses

Here is some of the content you will find in the Library's new collection:

The UOC Library and the 2030 Agenda

Addressing gender inequality is one of the goals of the 2030 Agenda - there is a specific Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) on the issue, SDG 5 on Gender Equality. The Catalan University Quality Assurance Agency (AQU), in its General framework for incorporating the gender perspective in higher education teaching, stipulates that libraries are involved in meeting this challenge and must provide students and teaching staff with "materials and resources dealing with gender mainstreaming and gender studies."

In this area, Mireia Castillón, a leading figure in gender issues in the UOC's Library and Learning Resources department, explains that the first step in compiling the resources was to establish a procedure so that the teaching staff could indicate the resources related to gender studies. This made it possible to identify the materials and add them to the Library's catalogue

The world's leading organization of library professionals, IFLA, has recently included the UOC Library's contribution to promoting women's equality and empowerment in its Library Map of the World project.
