Research repository assessment
Subject: Multidisciplinary18/01/18UOC Library's Rosa Padrós has contributed to the new edition of Guía para la evaluación de repositorios institucionales de investigación (Guide to Assessing Institutional Research Repositories) published by FECYT and REBIUN.
The importance of value-added services and digital preservation, the identification of projects and funding bodies, and the inclusion of sections with new criteria that provide cooperation, visibility and greater control of data. These are the new criteria included in the third edition of the Guía para la evaluación de repositorios institucionales de investigación, drawn up by a working group as part of the collaboration between the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) and the Spanish University Libraries Network (REBIUN) coordinated by José Manuel Barrueco (Universitat de València).
One of the authors of this edition is Rosa Padrós, co-manager of the O2, the UOC's institutional repository, and specialist in open access. She is also a member of the REBIUN repositories working group on the assessment of institutional research repositories, which undertakes appraisals upon request from repositories according to the guide's criteria.
The guide aims to be an internal auditing tool for improving the quality of repositories, thus increasing their scope and visibility among the scientific community. It also makes guidelines available to repositories in the planning phase that aid the creation of a robust, visible infrastructure.
The guide proposes assessing repositories according to criteria such as visibility, policy and interoperability. The result enables reflection on weaknesses and the extent to which minimum quality standards are met.
Rosa Padrós has a degree in Information Science from the University of Barcelona and a postgraduate certificate in Electronic Document Management at the Graduate School of Archival and Records Management from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. She is currently a member of the Catalan University Service Consortium's (CSUC) Research Support Group, and the Spanish University Libraries Network's (REBIUN) Repositories Group. She has extensive knowledge of open-access and self-archiving policies, bibliometric indicators and open research data management (RDM).
Rosa Padrós Cuxart
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