Novelettes, learn while you read!
Subject: Multidisciplinary
These short novels produced by the UOC give students the chance to work on their course content in an entertaining way, which boosts learning.
Novelettes are accessible to all teaching staff and students enrolled at the UOC, so anyone can enjoy them. Here are some examples:
As part of the Computer Network Security course at the Faculty of Computer Science, Multimedia and Telecommunications, students are asked to read this novelette, available in both Catalan and Spanish, to learn the meaning of certain concepts, such as honeypot, and to understand how Nmap works.
Author: Eduard Cot Ros
Synopsis: Linus, the book's main character, is an expert in IT security who will free himself from his problems with the justice system by investigating a cybercrime network.
Students on the Crisis and Risk Communication course at the Faculty of Information and Communication Sciences will read this learning resource in Spanish to gain insight into rescuing an enterprise's corporate reputation.
Author: Ferran Lalueza
Synopsis: The book's main character, Blai, assumes the challenge of ensuring the continuation of the Fresh Air & Rock Festival (FARM Fest) after its grim conclusion the last time it took place: acts of vandalism, illegal camping, robberies and assaults. As the crisis plan advances, Blai will also struggle against his own personal demons.
The Phenomenological Theories of Crime course from the Bachelor's Degree in Criminology uses two novelettes, both of which are available in Catalan and Spanish, that help student understand and assimilate theoretical aspects related to youth offending and the link between immigration and crime. These short novels also include an index to find key concepts in the text and a list of other novels, films and documentaries for students to have fun while learning.
Author: Alexis Ravelo
Synopsis: Cesar, a journalist, meets Iballa, who works defending immigrants. Through this encounter he will learn about a series of cases of exploitation which lead to terribly tragic situations. By opening Cesar's eyes to these issues, Iballa hopes to raise overall awareness.
Author: Andreu Martín
Synopsis: Jaume Ortega is a high school student from a poor neighbourhood who is swaying between success and failure. His environment and the bad influences around him could lead the young man down a path of crime.
By reading this short novel in Spanish, students enrolled on the Psychology of Individual Differences course from the Bachelor's Degree in Psychology will gain a better understanding of the required content.
Author: Andreu Martín
Synopsis: A group of children discover the secret life of their grandfather through his personal diary. It turns out he was a secret agent who often relied on his psychological knowledge at work. As you get further through the book, the children have more and more questions, as do you.