Find answers to your questions about environmental law and horizontal property with Mementos
Subject: Law and Political Science20/01/22In the Library you can consult the digital version of about forty Mementos in the following fields: criminal, administrative, fiscal, social, salary and payroll...
What items are included in a payroll and how should I interpret them? What types of contracts are there? What is my personal income tax rate? Am I entitled to a refund if my flight is cancelled? In the Library's Mementos, you'll easily find the answers to these types of questions.
Mementos are legal manuals on the different branches of law, offering you a 360° view of current regulations. They have a very practical approach and are not limited to presenting you with the literal transcript of the law; rather, they are designed to resolve day-to-day educational and professional questions quickly.
In the Library you can consult the digital version of these manuals, published by the Lefebvre publishing group. You can access them from any device and easily browse through the contents that, in their printed versions, usually exceed 1,000 pages.
In addition, the digital format means contents can be continually and automatically updated. The Mementos are connected to the legal platform El Derecho, for further reading and research.
Consult the complete list of Mementos available from the Library.
Each Memento has a built-in search engine and an alphabetical table to help you search for specific keywords and quickly locate the paragraph with the solution. The manuals include expert feedback, case studies, and additional content.
The latest additions
At the request of Library users, two new manuals have recently been added for use by the university community.
This Memento presents the current regulation on environmental protection and the instruments of the public authorities to make it effective. You will find information on international environmental law and the European and Spanish regulatory framework; distribution of competencies, environmental impact assessment as a preventive procedure, environmental taxes and public aid; and infractions and sanctions for committing environmental crimes.
It also includes specific sections for different subjects: natural spaces, flora and fauna; water, air and noise pollution; waste and dumping; and climate change. It is a collaborative guide in which 26 experts have participated and is coordinated by Professor of Administrative Law Blanca Lozano Cutanda.
This Memento deals with both the study of state regulations and the particularities of each autonomous community, with a specific section on the regulation of horizontal property in Catalonia. It is particularly noteworthy for its interdisciplinary approach, including tax, employment and accounting issues, and for including the most recent regulatory changes.
In just a few seconds, you can find out, for example, what a private element is, what the rights and duties of owners are or in which cases the consent of the owners is required to carry out refurbishment works on a flat. Each chapter is written by an expert.
You can search for the title of the Memento that interests you directly in the Library's search engine. You will need to log in with your Virtual Campus credentials in order to read it.
Elisabet Cervera
Operative subgroup: Librarian for Law and Political Science, Doctoral School Operative group: Library for Learning