
Factiva, the newspaper library for analysing current events and business affairs

Subject:  Economy and Business | Information and Communication Sciences
Woman taking a break from work
We now have unlimited, restriction-free access to the Factiva database.

The Dow Jones-owned database Factiva contains over 32,000 international press resources and pieces covering current economic and financial affairs.

The platform includes:

  • National, international and local news from leading newspapers such as The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Times, The Wall Street Journal and The Financial Times;
  • Journals and commercial publications (for example, Forbes and Newsweek); News items from news agencies (AFP, Reuters, Dow Jones, etc.);
  • TV and radio podcasts from the BBC, CNN and ABC; Company reports;
  • Photos from photography agencies (Reuters or Knight Ridder);
  • European Union law.

What can Factiva be used for?

The database is a useful tool for research and learning. We now have unlimited, restriction-free access to the Factiva database. Previously, only six people could use the platform simultaneously, but this restriction has now been lifted.

Factiva can also be used to:

  • Stay on top of national and international news;
  • Analyse a brand's reputation;
  • Find out more about current market trends or international economic issues;
  • Study the development of a topic over time;
  • Put together a press pack;
  • Search for information about a specific country;
  • Find European legislation;
  • Study a company's balance sheet;
  • Follow market prices; and
  • Get the scoop on a specific business sector.


There are other digital newspaper libraries at the UOC Library. For example:

  • If you need to view an article in its original, in-print layout, you have the  My News resource at your disposal.

  • If you want to read the news from a plethora of different national and international publications, then ProQuest Central is for you.
