Library guides
Subject: MultidisciplinaryThe gender perspective in research
A selection of content to support research staff in the application and incorporation of the gender perspective in research: from how to design a project without gender bias to how to write more competitive proposals and raise awareness of the gender perspective in research.

Basic concepts, handbooks and reference guides
A Spanish translation of the EU handbook "Toolkit Gender in EU-funded research" published by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. It is intended to offer tools and training to provide the research community with a practical guide on how to integrate gender into research.
SÁNCHEZ, Inés. El género en la investigación [online]. Spain: Unidad de Mujeres y Ciencia del Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, 2011. ISBN 9789279170775 [accessed: 26th july 2023]. Available at:
An internet portal that provides resources on the gender perspective in different areas and stages of research, stemming from a project in which the GenTIC research group of the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya participated.
A guide produced by the European Commission that provides recommendations to facilitate the implementation of the gender perspective in research and innovation.
A website created by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation to promote the gender dimension in RDI projects, to provide gender indicators in the monitoring and evaluation of the projects it funds and to support research carried out in gender studies.
A handbook for H2020 projects that provides support and guidance on how to integrate the gender dimension into all phases of a project.
A toolkit to help research staff think about the gender perspective applied to their research.