Library guides
Subject: Health SciencesPsychology and Educational Sciences
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Speech Therapy
Dossier with a large collection of speech therapy resources: Introduction, specializations, repository O2 resources, research, publications and professional associations. A large number of UOC professors have collaborated: Alfonso Igualada, Llorenç Andreu, Nadia Ahufinger, Fàtima Vega & Maria Josep Jarque.
- Introducction to the Speech Therapy
- Gender and speech therapy
- Spoken Language Disorders
- Augmentative systems
- Written language disorders
- Language development
- Speech therapy and family
- Speech therapy and autism
- Early intervention
- Speech Therapy Research
- Organizations in speech therapy
- Evidence-based practice
- Acquired language disorders
- Dysphagia
Introducction to the Speech Therapy
In this dossier you will find information about: what is speech therapy, current legislation, social campaigns, what a speech therapy professional should be and a final section about gender and speech therapy. It has been produced in collaboration with UOC professor Alfonso Igualada.
What is it?
Information graphic about the field of speech therapy. It contains information about fields of study and activity, the diseases it treats and the professional competencies required.
The speech therapy page in the UOC's Faculty of Health Sciences blog.
Discover the sources of information the Library makes available to you: databases, digital books and journals, case studies, videos, images, human atlases and digital portals.
Definition of what speech therapy is, when it is used, who can provide it and where.
Information about speech therapy of the Asociación Española de Logopedia Foniatria y Audiologia e Iberoamericana de Fonoaudiologia.
A document that explains speech therapy's different fields of activity in depth.
Law that regulates and updates the regulations affecting staff working in health centres who are governed by specific statutes.
Law whose purpose is to endow the health system with a legal framework that facilitates the integration of speech therapy professionals in the health service.
Law that establishes the legal basis for coordination and cooperation between public administrations in public health matters.
Social Movements
A campaign that explains what speech therapists do and what disorders and conditions they treat.
The white paper on university studies in speech therapy.
UOC's Psychology test library
Collection of materials on techniques for psychological, psycho-educational and speech and language therapy assessments (tests, test batteries, specific tests, etc.) that are available online or on paper (available at UOC locations).
More than two thousand terms related to education: general and social pedagogy; education research, organization and management; psycopedagogical organization; didactics; special education and education technology. With definitions in Catalan and denominations in Catalan, Spanish, English and French.
Gender and speech therapy
Dossier that presents resources related to gender and speech therapy. It has been produced in collaboration with UOC professors Alfonso Igualada & Nadia Ahufinger.
Gender - DLD
An article that advocates the need to apply the gender perspective to the detection and assessment of girls with language difficulties. What biological (gender) differences could account for the differences between boys and girls? What is the role played by gender stereotypes?
An article that compares gender differences in language development and assesses the risk of suffering language disorders over an extensive period of time. It seeks to answer the question of whether girls naturally have better language skills.
A report that explains the results of a study performed in the United Kingdom on the availability and accessibility of speech therapy for children who stutter.
A scientific article on specific language disorders that directly affect pre-school children.
A scientific article on the differences between the two sexes in learning abilities and disabilities.
An analysis that examines whether there are any differences between the two sexes in specific language disorders.
Gender - ASD
A book in which 15 autistic girls describe their life and offer a new perspective for helping and empowering all girls with autism.
Cook, Barb; Ross, Kate; Garnett, Michelle; Elcheson, Jen; Stewart, Catriona; Lesko, Anita, et al. Spectrum women: walking to the beat of autism [internet]. Londres: Jessica Kingsley Publishers; 2018 [accessed November 8th, 2023]. 338 p. Available in:
An article about gender and autism. It studies different theories about why there are more boys with autism than girls in all types of autism.
An article about a mother who was diagnosed with autism when she was 32 and the problems she experienced before knowing she was autistic.
Autism is diagnosed in few adult women. This article gives different examples of women with autism.
Post from the UOC's Psychology and Educational Sciences Studies Blog on the basic concepts of Asperger's in female.
Gender - Speech therapy professionals
A paper that compiles information on women who pioneered the field of speech therapy in Spain and the United Kingdom.
An article in the ASHA's blog about the small number of men who work in speech therapy.
Spoken Language Disorders
Collection of resources related to spoken language disorders: organizations, professionals, campaigns, publications and research groups. It has been produced in collaboration with UOC famale professor Nadia Ahufinger.
Organizations and associations
Non-profit scientific association that analyses, conducts and fosters language acquisition research.
International association that analyses and disseminates research on language acquisition in children.
The Catalan Specific Language Impairment Association carries out research and dissemination activities.
The Asturian Specific Language Impairment Association undertakes research and dissemination.
The Specific Language Impairment Association is made up of 180 affected families and fights for the social integration of people with SLI.
National organization of teachers and speech therapists for research and dissemination of information on speech therapy.
Featured authors
Dr Dorothy Bishop's personal blog on speech therapy.
Publications by Prof. Courtenay Norbury at London's Global University.
Dr Susan Ebbels's Twitter page.
Interview with Dr Julia Evans on developmental language disorders in children.
Searchers of specialized evidence in speech therapy
UOC news on specific language impairment.
Scientific article on the CATALISE project and how to identify speech disorders in children.
Scientific article on the second phase of the CATALISE project and how to identify speech disorders in children.
Book explaining the most comprehensive, balanced and unified treatments currently available for children with language disorders.
Book on how to assess and provide appropriate treatment for children with language disorders.
Paul, Rhea; Norbury, Courtenay; Gosse, Carolyn. Language disorders from infancy through adolescence [internet]. Missouri: Mosby; 2018 [accessed November 8th, 2023]. 774 p. Available in:
Article in Spanish on the changes that have taken place in the diagnosis of language disorders under the CATALISE project.
The Expert Committee provides minimum criteria and recommendations for the diagnosis of SLI.
Campaign that initiates, promotes and conducts studies on developmental language disorders.
Campaign that initiates, promotes and conducts studies on developmental language disorders.
Campaign that initiates, promotes and conducts studies on developmental language disorders in Spain.
Research group on the study of the understanding and production of language in adults and children.
Study groups formed by the Research and Innovation Institute in the fields of education and training.
Research group on developmental language disorders that initiates, promotes and conducts studies in this field.
Research project on developmental language disorders that initiates, promotes and conducts studies in this field.
UOC's Psychology test library
Collection of materials on techniques for psychological, psycho-educational and speech and language therapy assessments (tests, test batteries, specific tests, etc.) that are available online or on paper (available at UOC locations).
Augmentative systems
Collection of resources related to alternative and augmentative communication systems: organizations, professionals, campaigns, publications and research groups. It has been produced in collaboration with UOC famale professors: Fàtima Vega, Maria Josep Jarque & Nadia Ahufinger.
Organizations and associations
A service for people who can benefit from augmentative communication techniques.
An organization that works to improve the lives of children and adults with complex communication needs.
A society bringing together all those people who are directly or indirectly linked to augmentative communication systems.
The centre looks to protect the rights of older and disabled people with products and technology that can offer them support.
Leading authors
Page for Dr David Beukelman from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
Page for Dr Mary Ann Romski from Georgia State University.
Page for Stephen von Tetzchner from the University of Oslo.
Page for Dr Gloria Soto from San Francisco State University.
Page for Marc Monfort on ResearchGate.
Page for Marc Coronas Puig-Pallarols on ResearchGate.
Page for Emili Soro on ResearchGate.
This book lays out on principles and procedures for using augmentative and alternative communication techniques.
A manual for professionals and people who need to use augmentative and alternative communication systems.
A book with models and applications for augmentative and alternative communication systems for educators, speech therapists and psychologists.
An article about the educational process for augmentative communication systems in schools.
A study with results on advising educators and speech therapists on augmentative and alternative communication systems.
A book with case studies of children using augmentative and alternative communication systems.
A campaign in the month of October to raise awareness of augmentative and alternative communication.
Specific resources on the topic
A non-profit project from the UK which provides support, training and information for deaf people.
PECS is a unique augmentative and alternative communication system used, initially, with autistic children.
An article on the theoretical principles of signing, and augmentative and alternative communication.
Research carried out in the last 50 years on the effectiveness of using signs and symbols to communicate.
Resources and images with Creative Commons licences to aid communication.
Resources from Aragon's Centre for Augmentative and Alternative Communication to help you learn more about the topic.
Free software for creating visual schedules and pictosheets.
A service for people who can benefit from augmentative communication techniques.
A lab focusing on developing new augmentative and alternative communication devices.
A research project from the University of Milwaukee specializing in augmentative and alternative communication systems.
A research lab at the University of Milwaukee specializing in augmentative and alternative communication systems.
A Californian research group specializing in augmentative and alternative communication systems.
The official journal of the International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication (ISAAC).
A selection of materials and resources on augmentative and alternative communication put together by the Government of Catalonia.
A service for people who can benefit from augmentative communication techniques.
Written language disorders
Collection of resources related to written language disorders: organizations, professionals, campaigns, publications and research groups. It has been produced in collaboration with UOC professor Llorenç Andreu.
Organizations and associations
Information on dyslexia for professionals and families from the International Dyslexia Association.
The site for the British Dyslexia Association, which aims to spur institutions and governments to help improve the social life of people with dyslexia.
Patoss aims to train professionals to teach students with learning difficulties.
This Dyslexia House Association supports professionals and non-professionals affected by dyslexia.
A network of professionals specialized in dyslexia who provide counsel and support to people with dyslexia.
Definitions and useful tips about dyslexia from the Catalan Dyslexia Association. They hold lectures and conferences and provide counsel, with a view to supporting families and professionals.
Union of 16 non-profit dyslexia associations whose aim is to support families affected by dyslexia.
Leading authors
Website of Franck Ramus, which contains all of his publications.
Directory entry for Professor Margaret J. Snowling at St John's College.
Directory entry for Carles Hulme at the University of Oxford.
Directory entry for Dr Nadine Gaab at Boston Children's Hospital.
Directory entry for Dr Charles Perfetti at the University of Pittsburgh.
Directory entry for Ludo Verhoeven at Radboud University.
Joan Cruz Ripoll's personal blog.
This book summarizes the latest research on the cognitive deficits of dyslexia and their biological foundations.
Research on dyslexia aiming to contribute a comprehensive, state-of-the-art overview of reading and related skills.
Set of articles on dyslexia-related research, counsel and intervention practices.
Journal dedicated exclusively to the scientific study of dyslexia.
Review of the potential causes and observable symptoms of dyslexia.
UOC's Psychology test library
Collection of materials on techniques for psychological, psycho-educational and speech and language therapy assessments (tests, test batteries, specific tests, etc.) that are available online or on paper (available at UOC locations).
Language development
Collection of resources related to language development: organizations, professionals, publications and research groups. It has been produced in collaboration with UOC professor Alfonso Igualada.
Organizations / Associations
Non-profit scientific association that analyses, conducts and fosters language acquisition research.
International association that analyses and disseminates research on language acquisition in children.
Book, in Spanish, with an update on research into language development at different levels.
Online resource and time chart of infant communication and language development.
Reference work that covers the breadth of research and theory on language development from birth to adulthood, and their practical application.
Link to the Angela Fredirici video on infant language acquisition.
Book that compiles diverse theoretical and clinical viewpoints on the acquisition of Spanish as a first or second language by children.
Book with contributions by experts in prosodic development as a fundamental stepping stone in first language acquisition.
Prieto, Pilar; Esteve, Núria. The development of prosody in first language acquisition [internet]. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company; 2018 [accessed November 8th, 2023]. 368 p. Available in:
Compilation of resources related to publications and academic conferences.
Link to the various updates of Children's Language, a book of scientific papers on language development.
Itinerant annual symposium held at venues in the UK on aspects of language development and literacy.
Quarterly selection of scientific articles on language behaviour in children, the principles on which it is based and the theories that explain it.
First Language is an international peer reviewed journal that publishes the highest quality original research in child language acquisition. Articles are submitted from numerous fields of research.
IASCL's biannual journal in English.
Book-manual setting out research methods in the field of language acquisition.
Set of papers from the conference on typical and atypical language development held in Madison in 2002. Researchers explore the link between the theory of language development and deterioration and the effects of various disorders.
Book that provides a new theory of language acquisition and argues that the essence of language is its symbolic dimension.
Book detailing the basic hypotheses of the two main acquisitive approaches to normal language development of the mother tongue in monolingual children: generative and constructivist.
Monthly journal that publishes academic, theoretical and methodological articles, mostly on human development.
Speech therapy and family
Collection of resources related to early intervention in the first stage of childhood: organizations, professionals, campaigns, publications and research groups. Curated with the help of UOC professor Cristina Mumbardó.
Organizations / Associations
Catalan Early Intervention Association (ACAP) website targeting professionals working in child development and early intervention centres in Catalonia.
Catalan Union of Childhood Development and Early Intervention Centres (UCCAP) website providing support to many of the public and private organizations responsible for managing the Early Intervention Social Service.
Early Intervention Group website containing information and resources for professionals and academics.
Notable authors
Personal website of Robin McWilliam, father of the routines-based model for treating young children with disabilities.
Scientific article presenting contributions made by researchers and speech therapists from different naturalistic approaches.
Scientific article presenting contributions made by researchers and speech therapists taking different naturalistic approaches.
Gràcia, Marta. Intervención logopédica desde enfoques naturalistas. Revista de logopedia, foniatría y audiología [internet]. 2019 [accessed November 8th, 2023];39(4):151-154. Available in:
Article that sets out and defines family-centred practices for early childhood communication intervention.
Espe Sherwindt, Marilyn; Serrano, Ana M. It takes two: the role of family-centered practices in communication intervention. Revista de logopedia, foniatría y audiología [internet]. 2016 [accessed November 8th, 2023];36(4):162-169. Available in:
Article assessing the implications of early intervention (EI) by both professionals and families.
Gràcia, Marta; Simón, Cecilia; Salvador Bertran, Francesc; Adam Alcocer, Ana L.; Mas, Joana M.; Giné, Climent et al. The transition process from center-based programmes to family-centered practices in Spain: a multiple case study. Early child development and care [internet]. 2018 [accessed November 8th, 2023];190(14):2192-2204. Available in:
Article, in Spanish, offering a proposed methodology for implementing the family-centred model in early intervention centres.
Dalmau, Mariona; Balcells, Anna; Giné, Climent; Cañadas, Margarita; Casas, Olga; Salat, Yolanda et al. Cómo implementar el modelo centrado en la familia en la intervención temprana. Anales de psicologia [internet]. 2017 [accessed November 8th, 2023];33(3):641-651. Available in:
Article reflecting on the figure of the speech therapist in early intervention and family-centred practice.
Escorcia Mora, Claudia T.; García Sánchez, Francisco A.; Orcajada Sánchez, Noelia; Sánchez López, María C. Perspectiva de las prácticas de atención temprana centradas en la familia desde la logopedia. Revista de logopedia, foniatría y audiología [internet]. 2016 [accessed November 8th, 2023];36(4):170-177. Available in:
Resources focused on the subject
The Hanen Centre has launched a learning programme called It Takes Two to Talk® as an aid for parents of young children with language delays.
Help is in Your Hands is a cost-free website offering video resources for families of young children with autism.
Awareness campaign (World Day)
United Nations article about the International Day of Families, celebrated every year on 15 May.
Research Groups
University of Murcia web page introducing the faculty and research team studying disabilities, diversity and early intervention.
Link to a range of resources addressing the relationship between intellectual and developmental disabilities and family quality of life.
Full breakdown of the team and research lines being pursued by the University of Murcia's Early Intervention Research Group (GIAT).
Website run by Northwestern University's Early Intervention Research Group (EIRG).
Universitat de Barcelona web page introducing the CLOD research group (Communication, Oral Language and Diversity) attached to Department of Evolutionary Psychology and Education.
Science magazines
The Journal of Early Intervention (JEI) offers scientific articles related to research and practice in early intervention.
Speech therapy and autism
Collection of resources related to Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in the first stage of childhood: organizations, professionals, campaigns, publications and research groups. Curated with the help of UOC professor Cristina Mumbardó.
Organizations / Associations
Website run by the Spanish Association of Autism Professionals (AETAPI), an organization which advocates for and supports professionals in this area.
Website of Autism Speaks, which promotes research - and support - based solutions to the needs of individuals with autism and their families.
Website run by the Ávila Autism Association, a non-profit organization and member of both the Castilla-León Autism Federation and the Spanish Autism Confederation.
Website of APRENEM, an association which strives for the inclusion of individuals with autism spectrum disorder.
Website of the Autism Spain Confederation that represents various third sector entities to provide support and specialized services to people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and their families.
Website of the Catalan Federation of Autism where associations and foundations are represented to defend the rights of people with autism and their families.
Website of Catalonia's Austisme Mas Casadevall Foundation, which provides care for adults with autism spectrum disorder.
Notable authors
Personal website of Dr Barry Prizant, researcher and programme consultant to children and older persons with autism spectrum disorder and related developmental disabilities.
Interview featuring Michelle Garcia Winner in which she explains the social thinking method, how it is different from teaching social skills and how it can help people with autism.
Manual containing research on pathologies of developmental language disorder, following the CATALISE project classification.
Aguilar Mediavilla, Eva; Igualada, Alfonso. Dificultades del lenguaje en los trastornos del desarrollo. Vol. II: síndromes genéticos y trastorno del espectro autista [internet]. Barcelona: Editorial UOC; 2019 [accessed November 8th, 2023]. 210 p. Available in:
Article assessing the Early Start Denver Model (ESDM), a naturalistic developmental behavioural intervention (NDBI) specifically designed for the needs of very young children with ASD.
Article analysing the effectiveness of the Pathways protocol in enhancing emotional and pragmatic skills in children with ASD.
Rosenthal Rollins, Pamela. Setting the stage: creating a social pragmatic environment for toddlers with ASD and their caregivers. Revista de logopedia, foniatría y audiología [internet]. 2018 [accessed November 8th, 2023];38(1):14-23. Available in:
Article describing NDBI from a theoretical and empirical perspective.
Article que identifica pràctiques d'intervenció enfocades i basades en l'evidència (PBE) per a nens i joves amb trastorn de l'espectre autista (TEA).
Article that sheds light on the main issues surrounding theory and clinical practice in the field of autism.
Focus específic temàtica
Website offering conceptual, theoretical and treatment-related resources to educate parents and professionals on how to think about social learning.
Website introducing the Social Communication, Emotional Regulation and Transactional Support (SCERTS©) model, which focuses on building a child’s capacity to communicate with a conventional, symbolic system.
The Hanen Centre has launched a learning programme called More Than Words® as an aid for parents of children aged 5 and younger on the autism spectrum.
Spanish-language information graphic titled "Introduction to Naturalistic Developmental Behavioural Interventions", from the Language Stimulation in the Classroom and in Family Settings course on the Bachelor's Degree in Speech Therapy.
Workshops and courses focused on the Early Start Denver Model (ESDM), which was specifically developed to treat very young children with autism.
First Signs website offering resources to educate parents and professionals on the early detection of autism and related disorders.
Website showcasing the JASPER (Joint Attention, Symbolic Play, Engagement, and Regulation) treatment approach, which uses naturalistic strategies to increase the rate and complexity of social communication by targeting its foundations: joint attention, imitation and play.
Website run by the faculty and research team at Infoautismo, a research group focused on supporting individuals with autism spectrum disorder and developmental disabilities and their families.
Website that serves as a noticeboard for all the activities carried out by the Diversity, Cognition and Language Laboratory (LABDICOLE).
Website made available by the MIND Institute to help support people and families affected by neurodevelopmental disorders.
Website run by the International Society for Autism Research (INSAR), an organization that fosters partnerships between scientists and academics devoted to the study of autism.
Spectrum, an online publication featuring up-to-date news on autism research.
UOC's Psychology test library
Collection of materials on techniques for psychological, psycho-educational and speech and language therapy assessments (tests, test batteries, specific tests, etc.) that are available online or on paper (available at UOC locations).
Early intervention
Collection of resources related to early intervention: organizations, professionals, campaigns, publications and research groups. Curated with the help of UOC professor Sandra Espino.
Organizations / Associations
Early Intervention Group website containing information and resources for professionals and academics.
The UCCAP is a federative organization that groups child development and early care centres (CDIAP). It was formed in 1997 in response to the demand from the CDIAPs to legitimize a body that would represent the sector in contacts with the public administrations and institutions in general.
The website of ACLAT, an association formed for the professionals who work in the region of Castile-Leon in different fields (education, social care and healthcare) related with early care and intervention.
Catalan Early Intervention Association (ACAP) website targeting professionals working in child development and early intervention centres in Catalonia.
This is a non-profit interprofessional association formed in 2001 to group professionals working in early care in Andalusia.
This is a non-profit association circumscribed to the region of Extremadura that groups the early care professionals who voluntarily apply to join. Its aim is to improve the quality of care provided to children.
This is an interdisciplinary association formed in Galicia whose members are health, psychosocial and education professionals who work with disabled children and their families.
This is a non-profit association created by professionals who work in different fields related with child care in the region of Murcia.
This is a non-profit association created in the Basque Country in 2017. Its members are professionals from different disciplines whose goal is to improve the quality of early care.
Adaptation in Catalan of the GAT's White paper on Early Care (in Spanish), the basic reference work on early care in Spain.
This article establishes three progressive levels of classification: Initial, In-Process and Excellence. These levels are applied to four selected dimensions such as: Population, Intervention, Management and Organization.
A study that gives an overview of early care in Spain, outlining its current status and its application to territorial reality. With data from 2008 to 2010, it confirms the tendency to discontinue early care in children when they start school.
A book with contributions from leading academics in the discipline whose goal is to act as a bridge between academics, practitioners and families.
Escorcia Mora, Claudia T.; Rodríguez García, Lidia. Prácticas de atención temprana centradas en la familia y en entornos naturales [internet]. Madrid: Editorial UNED; 2019 [accessed November 8th, 2023]. 458 p. Available in:
Introduction to the special issue of this specialized journal, focused on different fields of application of early intervention. It includes articles that put the focus on the routines-based model and family-centred practice.
An article that reviews the elements that have driven family-centred practices (FCPs) since their emergence, and the elements that differentiate them from other family engagement practices.
This book details the basic principles that must be followed by interdisciplinary educational psychology teams to ensure effective treatment for children and their families. It has become a basic reference work on early care in Spain.
A book that develops specific cases with a series of scientific studies, all of them related with the care of the child population aged 0-6 years, taking into account their family, their environment, and possible developmental disorders.
Robles Bello, María A.; Sánchez Teruel, David. Evaluación e intervención en atención infantil temprana: hallazgos recientes y casos prácticos [internet]. Jaén: Universidad de Jaén; 2006 [accessed November 8th, 2023]. 544 p. Available in:
The Journal of Early Intervention (JEI) offers scientific articles related to research and practice in early intervention.
It is the official publication of the Catalan Association of Early Care. It aims to encourage dialogue and the exchange of ideas and experiences between professionals from different disciplines who are interested in child development and early care.
Awareness campaign (World Day)
A day that commemorates the presentation of the White Paper in Madrid in the year 2000 and which defined the regulations enacted subsequently throughout Spain.
Research Groups
Universitat de Barcelona web page introducing the CLOD research group (Communication, Oral Language and Diversity) attached to Department of Evolutionary Psychology and Education.
Full breakdown of the team and research lines being pursued by the University of Murcia's Early Intervention Research Group (GIAT).
Presentation of the Education, Diversity and Quality Research Group at the University of Murcia.
Presentation of the Research Group in Early Intervention: Prevention, Detection and Intervention in Development and Developmental Disorders at the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM).
Link to a range of resources addressing the relationship between intellectual and developmental disabilities and family quality of life.
Resources focused on the subject
Personal blog of Robin McWilliam, father of the routines-based model for treating young children with disabilities.
This document presents an organization of the existing classifications as a practical tool for practitioners. It describes the risk factors, types of disorder and resources.
International, national and regional legislative resources.
A publication that presents early care professionals' vision of the application of the White Paper to the situation in Spain over the last 20 years.
UOC's Psychology test library
Collection of materials on techniques for psychological, psycho-educational and speech and language therapy assessments (tests, test batteries, specific tests, etc.) that are available online or on paper (available at UOC locations).
Speech Therapy Research
Collection of publication resources in the field of speech therapy. It has been produced in collaboration with UOC professor Alfonso Igualada.
This multidisciplinary journal in Spanish, published by the Spanish Association of Speech Therapy, Phoniatrics and Audiology and the Ibero-American Association of Phonoaudiology (AELFA-IF), contains articles on speech therapy. It publishes four issues a year featuring topics related to research and case studies.
Complutense University of Madrid journal specialized in speech therapy.
American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology.
Journal specialized in language and hearing research.
Journal specialized in school speech therapy services.
Journal specialized in audiology.
Journal specialized in dysphagia.
Journal collection websites
Website featuring open journals from a number of countries specialized in speech therapy.
Scimago ranking of journals specialized in speech and language disorders.
Scientific dissemination
UOC scientific dissemination video on language.
UOC scientific dissemination video on speech therapy research.
Organizations in speech therapy
Collection of resources related to professioinal associations in the context of speech therapy. It has been produced in collaboration with UOC professor Alfonso Igualada.
Website of the General Council of Speech Therapists with information about professional profiles, codes of ethics, speech therapists' associations, etc.
Links to the websites of associations of speech therapists in the Spanish autonomous communities.
Information about speech therapy of the Asociación Española de Logopedia Foniatria y Audiologia e Iberoamericana de Fonoaudiologia.
Website of the Catalan Society of Speech Therapy, with up-to-date information on its ongoing projects.
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, which addresses and disseminates information on everything to do with speech and hearing problems.
Organization of speech therapists comprising related professional organizations from across Europe.
The Royal College of Speech & Language Therapists offers its services to people with communication and/or swallowing problems.
The International Communication Project (ICP) is an organization for those with communication disabilities, as well as their families, caregivers and communication professionals.
Non-profit worldwide organization of professionals and scientists in communication, voice, speech-language pathology, audiology and swallowing.
Evidence-based practice
Collection of resources related to professioinal associations in the context of speech therapy. It has been produced in collaboration with UOC professors Sergi Fàbregues i Alfonso Igualada.
Organizations and associations
Website of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, which among other content includes an explanation of the EBP process, tools for implementing EBD, and a set of evidence maps.
Website of the Cochrane international collaboration, containing a catalogue of the reviews carried out.
Website of the Campbell international collaboration, containing a catalogue of the reviews carried out.
Website of the Evidence for Policy and Practice Information and Co-ordinating Centre (EPPI-Centre) in the United Kingdom, with its catalogue of reviews.
Website of the Joanna Briggs Institute, Australia, including reviews conducted and a series of checklists to assess the quality of quantitative and qualitative evidence.
Featured authors
Website of Moor House School & College in the United Kingdom, which includes studies focusing on the field of speech and language disorders led by Susan Ebbels.
Entry in the staff repository of the School of Behavioral and Brain Sciences at the University of Texas at Dallas for Professor Christine Dollaghan.
Entry in the staff repository of the School of Health and Research Relations at the University of Sheffield for Dr. Andrew Booth.
Entry in the Medical Sciences Division Team repository for professor Trisha Greenhalgh on the Oxford University website.
Entry in the Institutional Research Information Service team repository for Professor David Gough on the University College London website.
Entry in the research team repository for Dr Andrea Tricco on the website of St. Michael's Hospital.
A scientific paper in the Journal of Communication Disorders investigating communication disorders.
Dollaghan, Christine A. Evidence-based practice in communication disorders: what do we know, and when do we know it? Journal of communication disorders [internet]. 2004 [accessed November 8th, 2023];37(5):391-400. Available in:
A book by the author Christine A. Dollaghan, in which speech and language pathologists learn to apply the best current evidence as they make critical decisions about the care for each person they treat.
A scientific paper in the International Journal of Speech and Language Pathology by the author Susan H. Ebbels on the evaluation of study designs, interpretation of findings, and the creation of research in clinical practice.
Ebbels, Susan H. Intervention research: appraising study designs, interpreting findings and creating research in clinical practice. International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology [internet]. 2017 [accessed November 8th, 2023];19(3):218-231. Available in:
A book on understanding research and practice based on communication disorders. It explores the link between the research methods in communication sciences and clinical practice.
A book for Speech and Language Therapists (SLT) to keep up to date with the base of evidence in research which is relevant to their field of practice, and to be able to show how this contributes to their clinical decision-making.
A scientific paper on the evidence for how the implementation of science has gained considerable attention for the discipline of communication sciences and disorders to close the gap between research and practice.
Olswang, Lesley B. Collaborating on the development and implementation of evidence-based practices: advancing science and practice. Evidence-based communication assessment and intervention [internet]. 2017 [accessed November 8th, 2023];11(3-4):61-71. Available in:
A scientific paper investigating how the principles of evidence-based practice (EBP) are taught in the teaching and learning contexts of speech and language pathology (SLP) in Australia.
Togher, Leanne; Yiannoukas, Corina; Lincoln, Michelle; Power, Emma; Munro, Natalie; Mccabe, Patricia et al. Evidence-based practice in speech-language pathology curricula: a scoping study. International journal of speech-language pathology [internet]. 2011 [accessed November 8th, 2023];13(6):459-468. Available in:
Checklists for assessing the quality of evidence
A set of checklists developed at Oxford University since 1993. Each checklist is presented separately according to the type of design or methodology to be evaluated, and consists of 10-12 closed questions with three answer options: Yes / No / Cannot be determined.
A set of checklists developed at the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences at the University of Adelaide. Like the CASP, each checklist is presented independently according to the type of design to be evaluated, and consists of 10 closed questions with four answer options: Yes / No / Not clear / Not applicable.
A checklist used mainly in the health sciences, an area in which controlled and randomized studies are commonly used to evaluate the effectiveness of medical procedures.
A checklist developed to assess the quality of qualitative studies based on interviews and discussion groups, although it is flexible enough to be used with other qualitative data collection methods. The checklist consists of 32 open-ended questions.
A checklist developed based on the research and systematic review of qualitative checklists in the literature. It consists of 21 items in the form of a statement, divided into 6 domains, which match the sections of an academic article.
A checklist developed in 2009 and updated in 2011 and 2018. Created for use in mixed systematic reviews (based on the synthesis of quantitative and qualitative evidence). This is the first checklist to include criteria for the evaluation of mixed studies.
Software for conducting systematic reviews
A web tool to manage the processes involved in the storage, screening and extraction of data from references in the framework of systematic reviews. It is used on a subscription basis.
A web tool to manage the processes involved in the storage, screening and extraction of data from references in the framework of systematic reviews. It is used on a subscription basis.
A web tool to manage the processes involved in the storage, screening and extraction of data from references in the framework of systematic reviews. It is used on a subscription basis.
A scientific journal containing publications on communication assessment and research on treatments for people with communication problems, autism, and developmental disabilities.
The Springer Nature website, presenting all aspects of the design, implementation and reporting of systematic reviews.
A website on implementation science which publishes research for the scientific study of methods to incorporate research findings into routine healthcare in clinical, organizational, and policy contexts.
Clinical guidelines
Guidance on clinical practice guidelines, which are systematically developed statements to assist the physician's and patient's decisions about appropriate healthcare for specific clinical circumstances.
Guide to the ADAPTE methodology for adapting guides to develop high quality guides for clinical practice.
Website on the clinical practice guidelines which are now ubiquitous in our healthcare system. The Guidelines International Network (GIN) database currently lists more than 3,700 guidelines from 39 countries.
The web portal of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), which is the main federal agency responsible for improving the safety and quality of the healthcare system in the United States.
A web portal that reinforces the ranges of resources, services and products based on scientific evidence to support decision-making by professionals and patients in the National Health System (NHS).
UOC educational material on prevention in speech therapy and evidence-based practice in language and speech therapy, based on videos with the expert in the field Susan Ebbels.
Acquired language disorders
Collection of resources related to professioinal associations in the context of speech therapy. It has been produced in collaboration with UOC professor Sònia Quiñones.
Organizations and associations
A foundation that raises awareness, promotes research and supports individuals.
The association has been working to improve the sequelae of people affected by brain damage and the quality of life for both them and their families since 1988.
A section of the Guttmann Institute website which provides verified and useful informative content about the world of neurological disabilities, in order to help facilitate the functional autonomy, well-being and social inclusion of people affected and their families.
Featured authors
Author of the Barcelona Test and the Barcelona Test II: Integrated neuropsychological examination programme.
An entry on the Neurovida website explaining what aphasia is, with a short interview with a person suffering from the disease.
A journal focusing on aphasias.
The journal publishes articles that clarify the complex relationships between language, the brain, and behaviour.
The journal provides an international forum for communication between researchers in the disciplines that contribute to understanding the production, perception, processing, learning, use, and disorders of human speech and language.
The journal publishes peer-reviewed research and other academic articles on normal and altered processes in speech, language, hearing, and related areas such as cognition, oral-motor function, and swallowing.
The journal publishes articles that clarify the complex relationships between speech, language, and hearing.
The journal contains offers content on all aspects of speech, language, communication disorders and speech and language therapy.
The journal publishes peer-reviewed research and other academic articles on all aspects of clinical practice in speech and language pathologies. The journal is an international medium for clinical research related to the screening, detection, diagnosis, management and outcomes of lifelong communication and swallowing disorders, as well as the etiologies and characteristics of those disorders.
UOC's Psychology test library
Collection of materials on techniques for psychological, psycho-educational and speech and language therapy assessments (tests, test batteries, specific tests, etc.) that are available online or on paper (available at UOC locations).
Collection of resources related to professioinal associations in the context of speech therapy. It has been produced in collaboration with UOC professor Núria Oriol.
Entities / Associations
A website that offers resources and tools in relation to an international nomenclature to test liquid and solid foods.
A non-profit international association of healthcare providers working and carrying out research and studies in the field of dysphagia and swallowing disorders.
It is a foundation that offers resources for dysphagia education and patient/carer support and it acts as a forum to share research and cutting-edge developments with a view to improving the quality of life of people with swallowing disorders.
The society was founded for charitable, educational and scientific purposes. It aims to enhance and encourage interdisciplinary research related to normal and disordered swallowing and related functions, and to promote its dissemination. Its goal is also to foster new methodologies and instrumentation in dysphagia research and its clinical applications.
The society focuses on an interdisciplinary approach to dysphagia rehabilitation. The purpose of the society is to carry out research, education, dissemination and structuring activities in dysphagia rehabilitation in order to alleviate the problems of people with difficulty eating and swallowing.
Author of the book Evaluation and Treatment of Swallowing Disorders.
The website of Dr Susan Langmore, who developed the fiberoptic endoscopic evaluation of swallowing (FEES) procedure.
Personal Twitter account of Adriano Rockland.
A document resulting from the consensus of various professional associations, scientific societies, service organizations, and Ministry of Health professional and patient associations, which based on the best scientific recommendations from national and international bodies aims to guide professionals towards the homogenization of dysphagia care in all scopes of the health system in Catalonia, in compliance with the ultimate goal of improving the quality of life of all people affected by this disorder.
A doctoral thesis that offers a comparative study of a telepractice approach and a conventional treatment in the care of people with dysphagia.
The official journal of the Dysphagia Research Society (DRS).
The journal published by the Japanese Society of Dysphagia Rehabilitation (JSDR).
The Dysphagia Research Society was created for charitable, educational and scientific purposes in the area of dysphagia. Its aim is to enhance and encourage interdisciplinary research into normal and disordered swallowing and to foster the dissemination of knowledge and new methodologies and instrumentation in dysphagia research and its clinical applications.
This body issues recognitions with the BCS-S or specialist designation certified by the board on swallowing disorders to speech therapists who have advanced knowledge, skills and experience in dysphagia.
The goal of the ASHA practical portal is to facilitate clinical decision-making and increase practical efficiency for speech therapists, providing resources on dysphagia in adults and links to the available evidence.
This centre conducts basic and applied research and provides specialist training in the field of food safety and control. It also offers technological support to companies and institutions with which it carries out guided research.
Resources focused on the subject
Specific online therapeutic resources for speech therapy.
A company that provides nutrition solutions to support patients at all stages of life.
This company, which was founded in 2011, is a leader in the field of nutritional science and is committed to redefining the management of health.
A project coordinated by the Althaia Foundation (along with the Joviat school of hospitality) that provides a safe and personalized diet (adapted in terms of textures) for people with dysphagia.
A company that provides nutrition solutions to support patients at all stages of life.
A company that produces dehydrated products to replace fresh products for collective catering and the food industry.
UOC's Psychology test library
Collection of materials on techniques for psychological, psycho-educational and speech and language therapy assessments (tests, test batteries, specific tests, etc.) that are available online or on paper (available at UOC locations).
Librarians responsible for this library guide
Àgueda Mercadal
Operative subgroup: Librarian for Psychology and Education, vocational training Operative group: Library for LearningElisabet Cervera
Operative subgroup: Librarian for Health, ICT skills Operative group: Library for Learning