Online gender-based violence
New forms of gender-based violence have appeared with the emergence and development of new technologies. This guide presents a selection of resources to help you recognize, prevent and address gender-based cyberviolence.
Understanding the term
History of the definition of violence against women according to Spain's Government Office against Gender-based Violence.
What is cyberviolence and how does it affect women?
What is gender-based cyberviolence and what are its characteristics? Tips to prevent it.
Article explaining what gender-based cyberviolence is and how it manifests in romantic relationships.
This collection contains the basic terminology in the area of sexual content, with the priority objective of naming and defining sexual offenses. It offers definitions in Catalan and denominations in Catalan, Spanish and English.
UOC news item on types of gender-based violence on the internet and in virtual environments, debunking myths and providing guidelines for prevention.
Spanish Government resource on the rate of digital gender-based violence in Spain and its link to existing sex crimes.
Resource on the types of online gender-based violence, prevention by institutions and a self-protection manual.
International data on the state of cyberstalking in 2021.
Research data from the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) on cyberviolence as a form of gender-based violence.
Conceptual and regulatory framework of the impact of gender-based cyberviolence.
Report on cyberviolence and cyberbullying with a conceptual framework, a human rights approach and a comparative analysis of laws and public policies.
European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) action campaign for the prevention of cyberviolence against women and girls.
A news report in which various UOC experts examine the growing use of artificial intelligence to create pornographic content involving women, based on their respective fields of study.
Types of online harassment
Types of cyberviolence: cyberbullying, online sexual exploitation and other forms of cybercrime.
What is revenge porn and how is it linked to sexual cyberviolence?
Article explaining what sextortion is, the methods used by cybercriminals to carry it out, and what you can do both to prevent it and to take legal action.
Article comparing and contrasting generic harassment and gender trolling.
Research conducted to understand the risks of online sexual behaviour among teenagers.
Article correlating experiences of cyberviolence with different psychopathologies.
GASSÓ, Aina; MUELLER-JOHNSON, Katrin and MONTIEL, Irene. Sexting, online sexual victimization, and psychopathology correlates by sex: depression, anxiety, and global psychopathology. In: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health [online]. 2020. Vol. 17, num. 3, pag. 1-18. ISSN 1660-4601 [accessed: July 10, 2024]. Available at:
Article about the characteristics and dynamics of child sextortion.
WOLAK, Janis; FINKELHOR, David; WALSH, Wendy and TREITMAN, Leah. Sextortion of minors: characteristics and dynamics. In: Journal of adolescent health [online]. 2018. Vol. 62, num. 1, pag. 72-79. ISSN 1054-139X [accessed: July 10, 2024]. Available at:
Article measuring and assessing the prevalence of sextortion and revenge porn among teenagers.
GÁMEZ-GUADIX, Manuel; MATEOS-PÉREZ, Estibaliz; WACHS, Sebastian; WRIGHT, Michelle; MARTÍNEZ, Jone and ÍNCERA, Daniel. Assessing image-based sexual abuse: measurement, prevalence, and temporal stability of sextortion and nonconsensual sexting ("revenge porn") among adolescents. In: Journal of Adolescence [online]. 2022. Vol. 94, num. 5, pag. 789-799. ISSN 0140-1971 [accessed: July 10, 2024]. Available at:
Analysis of the characteristics and differences between cybercriminals engaging in gender-based violence and those carrying out sextortion.
O'MALLEY, Roberta and HOLT, Karen. Cyber sextortion: an exploratory analysis of different perpetrators engaging in a similar crime. In: Journal of Interpersonal Violence [online]. 2022. Vol. 37, num. 1-2, pag. 258-283. ISSN 0886-2605 [accessed: July 10, 2024]. Available at:
Legislation and case law
Compilation of legal provisions on gender-based violence in Spain.
Compilation of criteria for court action against gender-based violence in Spain.
Article explaining which legislative branch is responsible for acting on violence against women.
Case law
Compilation of Spanish case law on domestic and gender-based violence.
International case law resources on domestic and gender-based violence.
Institution created to address domestic and gender-based violence from within the Judicial Administration.
Research on cyberviolence and how it affects women and girls specifically.
Resources, initiatives and useful links on cyberviolence against women from the European Council.
Handbook for criminal justice practitioners on cyberviolence against women and girls.
Article analysing the social and economic implications of gender-based cyberviolence, with recommendations for political reforms.
Amnesty International report on Twitter's failure to act to protect women and non-binary people from online violence.
Study analysing situations of harassment against women on social media.
Amnesty International initiative to end abuse against women online and on social media.
Campaign to investigate online abuse against women and hold cyberbullies accountable.
Compilation of materials to confront online sexist violence and organize self-defense strategies.
How to detect gender-based violence in your partner's behaviour.
Spanish Judiciary action protocols for cases of gender-based violence.
List of tips to prevent gender-based cyberviolence.
Guide with recommendations to prevent violence against women in the digital age.
Compilation of tips to prevent cases of sextortion.
Detailed guide to actions for the prevention of digital violence.
Grooming and sexting prevention guide.
LÓPEZ, María Cecilia and MÜLLER, María Beatriz. Bullying, ciberbullying, grooming y sexting: guía de prevención [en línia]. Ituzaingo, Argentina: Editorial Maipue, 2019. ISBN 9781512978681 [accessed: July 10, 2024]. Available at:
Tips to combat digital gender-based violence through educational resources and initiatives.
Librarians responsible for this library guide
Mireia Castillón
Operative subgroup: Law and Political Science resource manager, vocational training, gender perspective Operative group: Library for Learning