Library guides
Subject: Arts and humanitiesMustapha Cherif. Inaugural lecture 2006-2007
On the occasion of the inaugural lecture of the UOC's 2006-2007 courses by Mustapha Cherif, Algerian thinker and philosopher of universal culture, the library has drawn up this current monographic with direct access to catalogues (university, national, state, etc.), databases and organisations related about his professional evolution.

Mustapha Cherif Blog
link opens in a new window
Mustapha Cherif Official blogger.
L'era de la informació: economia, societat i cultura
Castell, Manuel. L'era de la informació: economia, societat i cultura. Editorial UOC, 2003
Librarians responsible for this library guide
Bárbara Badell
Operative subgroup: Librarian for Arts and Humanities, vocational training Operative group: Library for Learning