Library guides
Subject: Psychology and Educational SciencesuserProgramList false
Emergency remote teaching
Compilation of resources on non-face-to-face emergency teaching prepared by e-Learning experts from the UOC's Studies in Psychology and Education Sciences. Compilation of emergency remote teaching resources prepared by e-learning experts from the UOC Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences.

- Where should you start? First steps for teaching online
- How should you plan and design your course?
- Tools for planning and designing online courses
- How do you interact with and motivate your students?
- How do you assess your students' learning?
- How can you tailor online teaching to different fields of study?
- Emergency health and wellness
Where should you start? First steps for teaching online
Resources on first steps resources for teaching online.
Enseñar y aprender online: superando la distancia social
Webinar on the current emergency situation, which has forced many educational institutions to consider migrating toward online education to provide services to their students while schools and universities are closed and lockdown measures are in force.

Resource on planning online study programmes.
Resource that includes guidelines for optimizing the organization of digital information.
Resource on searching for and finding information on the internet.
Resource that includes a digital tools repository (Toolkit).
Resource on technology management in higher education.
Resource on strategies for online teaching.
Resource on work methodologies for networked projects.
Resource on design thinking.
Resource that includes recommendations for networked teamwork.
Resource on technical-educational considerations for integrating videoconferencing in educational activities.
Resource which includes guidance about online debates.
Resource on communication in educational facilities.
Resource on social media and use of Twitter.
Resource on digital attitude.
The ‘E-learning vocabulary’ includes about fifty terms related to digital learning environments. It offers definitions in Catalan and denominations in Catalan, Spanish, French and English.
How should you plan and design your course?
Resources on planning and designnings your online course.
Diseño de cursos online
Webinar which gives guidelines to help school teachers, university professors, and teachers in general to organize course design from a holistic viewpoint – from competencies to activities, learning resources, assessment and the required technological tools, designing a course that meets alignment and quality criteria.

Web page that illustrates the benefits of knowing more than one language for teaching staff and students, and the importance of bilingual education.
Resource on the role of the teacher as technical-educational designer.
Resource which provides a pedagogical approach from the learner's perspective.
Resource on good practices in the European Short Learning Programmes (E-SLP).
Resource on teaching and learning design in the digital age.
Resource on thematic smartpapers published by the Edul@b research group.
Resource on online teaching and learning.
E-actividades para un aprendizaje activo online
Webinar that analyses how learning can be rethought for an online context and how online activities can be designed that foster active learning and the development of interdisciplinary competencies, and provide a further stimulus to increase students' motivation.

Resource that presents a model for creating open educational resources that focuses on the contents to be developed while also taking into account the learning process in which it is integrated.
Resource on an article that presents preliminary research from an instructional design viewpoint on the design of the case method as an integral part of pedagogy and technology.
Resource on innovation in learning and improving teaching practice.
Recurs de suport sobre quines activitats es poden fer a les aules.
Herramientas y recursos imprescindibles para la docencia no presencial
Webinar that analyses how learning can be rethought for an online context and how online activities can be designed that foster active learning and the development of interdisciplinary competencies, and provide a further stimulus to increase students' motivation.

Article on choosing web tools for creating learning activities at Cibermutua.
Avella-Ibáñez, C. P. [Clara Patricia], Sandoval-Valero, E. M. [Erika María] & Montañez-Torres, C. [Carmenza]. (2017). Selección de herramientas web para la creación de actividades de aprendizaje en Cibermutua. Revista de investigación, desarrollo e innovación, 8(1), 107-120.
Article about the functions, characteristics and selection criteria for technology platforms in distance learning.
Fernandez-Piqueras, R. [Rocío], Devece, C. A. [Carlos Alberto] & Palacios, D. [Daniel]. (2011). Technology platforms in distance learning: functions, characteristics and selection criteria for use in higher education. Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics.
Post in the teachers' blog of the National University of La Plata on the uses and selection criteria of authoring tools.
Article on the expert-centred vs learner-centred approach for evaluating quality and reusability of learning objects.
Article on the quality criteria for digital learning resources.
Cómo presentar una actividad, escrita o audiovisual, en línea
Webinar that explains the creation and presentation of two types of activities: written activity – focused on formal structure, time management, information management, source citation and formulas for writing clearly – and audiovisual activity – focused on formal structure, script, visual communication elements, the rehearsal idea and video tools.

Tools for planning and designing online courses
A selection of tools for planning and designing online courses.
Content Management
Pinterest social medium, which offers the possibility of searching, filtering, organizing and sharing images and videos available on the internet. content curation tool for automatic, fast information publishing, sharing and gathering.
Flipboard content curation tool for adding content from social media, news feeds, photo-sharing sites and other websites, in a magazine format. It enables users to browse among the articles, images and videos that are shared. content curation platform. It sells its content marketing software to companies.
Storify content curation platform. It enables its users to write a news piece, story or article, and develop and compose it using the information circulating on the social media as information source.
DuckDuckGo search engine.
Qwant search engine.
Pixabay image bank.
CCSearch search engine for files with Creative Commons licence.
Free RSS reader available both for web and Android and iOS mobile devices. Allows you to sort content, save feeds and share them with your social networks.
QuiteRSS is a cross-platform, open-source news aggregator for RSS and Atom news feeds. It has two design modes: classic and newspaper.
Personal and social communication
Slack instant messaging service.
WhatsApp instant messaging and videoconferencing service.
Telegram instant messaging service.
Google Hangouts instant messaging and videoconferencing service.
Jitsi Meet videoconferencing service.
Apache OpenMeetings videoconferencing service.
BigBlueButton videoconferencing service.
Zoom videoconferencing service.
Avaya Spaces videoconferencing service.
Skype videoconferencing service.
Houseparty videoconferencing service.
Blogger blogging service.
Edublogs blogging service, based on WordPress.
Instagram social medium.
Network aimed at companies and job hunting that allows you to publish news and informative contents and share work and business information. You can create or take part in debate groups and keep up to date with the news in your area of interest.
Pinterest social medium, which offers the possibility of searching, filtering, organizing and sharing images and videos available on the internet.
Content creation
GIMP image editor, created by volunteers and distributed under a GPL licence.
PhotoScape image editor.
Fotor image editor.
Kdenlive video editor, using open-source software.
OpenShot video editor, using open-source software.
Avidemux video editor, using open-source software.
Moovly video editor.
OBS Studio screen capturer.
CamStudio screen capturer.
Apowersoft Online Screen Recorder screen capturer.
Loom screen capturer.
Prezi multimedia presentation programme.
Powtoon multimedia presentation programme.
Genially infographics creation programme.
Programa de creació d'infografies Venngage.
Online layout software for creating individual documents, including graphics or flyers.
Programa d'infografies Piktochart.
Pixton EDU comic creation tool.
Storyboard That comic creation tool.
Make Beliefs Comix comic creation tool.
Audacity audio recording and editing tool for creating podcasts.
Vocaroo audio recording and editing tool for creating podcasts.
Podomatic audio recording and editing tool for creating podcasts.
Spreaker audio recording and editing tool for creating podcasts.
Google Sites website creation tool.
Wix website creation tool.
Weebly website creation tool.
Aurasma virtual and augmented reality creation tool.
Collaborative tools
MediaWiki content creation wiki.
SlimWiki content creation wiki.
DokuWiki content creation wiki.
Google Sites website creation tool.
Padlet tool for file sharing and interaction.
Google Calendar planning calendar.
PDC Generator planning calendar.
Trello project manager.
nTask project manager. project manager.
OpenBoard interactive whiteboard.
IDroo interactive whiteboard.
Miro interactive whiteboard.
Explain Everything interactive whiteboard.
Creation of activities
Socrative software, which is used to manage students' class participation in real time.
Poll Everywhere questionnaire and survey platform.
Learnclick questionnaire and survey platform.
Mentimeter questionnaire and survey platform.
Typeform questionnaire and survey platform.
Seesaw digital portfolio.
Student Show digital portfolio.
Kahoot! educational games platform.
Educandy educational games platform.
Deck.Toys educational games platform.
Wordwall educational games platform.
Edpuzzle educational games platform.
Online application with which you can create and share mind maps and also include links and documents. You must register in order to download the program. It has applications for iPad, iPhone, iPod touch or any Android device.
Nearpod interactive lesson creation tool with assessment.
Educaplay interactive lesson creation tool with assessment.
Open educational resources (OER) repositories
The author introduces qualitative research from diverse research perspectives regarding education. The first part explains the different approaches, including methods of ethnography, phenomenology, research, etc. An analysis follows of some of the issues relating to qualitative research today.
OER Commons open educational resources repository.
Database specialized in education offering access to more than 1.4 million bibliographic records of journal articles, books, conference papers, and other materials related to education.
CK-12 open educational resources repository.
Repositori de recursos educatius en obert Agrega.
Procomún open educational resources repository, created by the National Institute of Education and Teacher Training Technologies (INTEF).
MDX (Learning Materials Online) is a cooperative repository that contains digital materials and resources resulting from teaching activities carried out in member universities. The purpose of MDX is to make the participant institutions' teaching output more visible and widespread, thereby contributing to both educational innovation and free access to knowledge.
The UOC’s institutional repository is the portal for collecting, disseminating and preserving the open-access digital publications produced by members of the UOC as part of their research, teaching and management work. It includes articles, papers, teaching materials, final degree projects, doctoral theses, etc. for the purpose of collecting, preserving and organising the UOC’s scientific output and its institutional memory and, in particular, disseminating it, thus making it more visible and increasing its impact.
The OpenCourseWare Consortium is a worldwide community of hundreds of higher education institutions and associated organisations committed to advancing OpenCourseWare and its impact on global education.
OpenCourseWare (OCW), available from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).
OpenCourseWare (OCW), available from the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM).
OpenCourseWare (OCW) de la Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED).
Open digital libraries
Free courses with audiovisual support and practical exercises, classified by different fields of knowledge: mathematics, economics and finance, science, and computing.
Educatribu open-access digital library.
Educational portals
Eduteka educational portal.
Colombia aprende educational portal (Colombia). educational portal (Argentina).
Maestroteca educational portal.
Catalan Electronic Education Network (XTEC) educational portal.
Presentació del Dr. Francesc Pedró al web de l'Instituto Nacional de Tecnologías Educativas y de Formación del Profesorado (INTEF) del Ministeri d'Educació, amb motiu de la ponència que va presentar al "Congreso sobre los modelos de Integración de las TIC en educación" (amb accés a la presentació completa).
Conectad@s: la universidad en casa educational portal.
Educational blogs
Ayuda para maestros educational blog.
Yo soy tu profe educational blog.
La Eduteca educational blog.
El aula de la Srta Wabisabi educational blog.
News portal about education and technology aimed at professionals in the education sector. It offers contents such as news, new publications, educational resources, curricular materials, etc.
MatemáticasCercanas educational blog.
Mil recursos educación infantil educational blog.
Tiching educational blog.
Innovatr@ms educational blog.
Laboratorio virtual educational blog.
VillaMates educational blog.
How do you interact with and motivate your students?
Resources on how do you interact with and motivate your students.
Resource on evidence-based educational practice for educational improvement and innovation.
Badia, A. [Antoni]. (2019). La práctica educativa fundamentada. Definición, características e implicaciones para la mejora y la innovación científica. Documento publicado en Researchgate.
Resource on teaching to learn to cooperate in small groups in school education.
Cómo generar actitudes digitales críticas entre nuestros estudiantes
Webinar which reviews some of the most common critical situations that arise from the intensive use of technology, from information literacy or the selection of environments and contents to computer security aspects. In these situations, priority must be given to supportive teaching strategies, such as minimum behavioural guidelines (in the case of children) or reflection (in the case of teenagers and young adults) for a critical approach to the use of technology.

La colaboración en red para docentes y para estudiantes
Webinar which provides guidelines for efficient networking, so that teachers can be aware of what it involves, what attitudes are brought into play, what are the most appropriate tools in each situation and how communication can be managed, and the importance of organization and planning, as well as performing a formal assessment of the process and the outcome.

Resource on collaborative online teaching which analyses the domain of the UOC's digital competencies.
Resource on communication and collaboration tools in educational centres.
Resource on the Network for Collaborative Learning in Virtual Environments (RACEV).
Resource on teaching collaboration in virtual environments.
Resource on strategies for online teaching.
Resource on key components in the design of networked collaborative activities.
Resource that includes recommendations for networked teamwork.
Resource on teamwork in virtual environments.
UOC resource on the methodological development of teamwork in virtual environments.
UOC resource on online communication.
Resource on social media and use of Twitter.
Resource which includes guidance about online debates.
Diferentes modalidades de feedback escrito: orientación y presencia social
Webinar whose goal is to raise awareness of the functions of written feedback as a success indicator in the attainment of learning goals, and on its possibilities to improve the social presence aspect in a distance learning context.

Markin software for making on-screen marks and annotations.
Screen-O-Matic software for recording and editing videos.
Propuestas creativas para inspirar nuevas dinámicas en las aulas virtuales
Webinar which presents a number of teaching initiatives carried out in the UOC's online classrooms to stimulate students' creative thinking, collaborative work and problem-solving under time constraints. They consist of online games, platforms based on WordPress and a breakout designed using a Google form, all of which may give teachers ideas.

How do you assess your students' learning?
Resources on students learning assessment.
Article on feedback experiences to improve continuous assessment.
Fernández-Ferrer, M. [Maite] & Cano, E. [Elena]. (2019). Experiencias de retroacción para mejorar la evaluación continuada: el uso de Twitter como tecnología emergente. Transiciones educativas, 55(2), 437-455.
Article on feedback at university and experiences with the use of technology.
Article on thinking about pedagogy in an unfolding pandemic.
Resource on online teaching and learning.
Introductory MOOC on gamification using case studies.
Website with Google for Education tips on the use of Google Suite tools for distance education.
Presentation of the UOC course on the quality of higher education.
Screen-O-Matic software for recording and editing videos.
Socrative software, which is used to manage students' class participation in real time.
Sácale el máximo provecho al feedback
Webinar that analyses what should be included in feedback, how it should be given (strategies and methodologies), when and, above all, how students can be motivated to use it profitably (whether given by the teacher, fellow students or other agents) and, by this means, put themselves in the centre of this feedback process.

Web resource on feedback for learning and how the assessment loop can be closed.
Web resource on developing engagement with the feedback toolkit (DEFT).
Web resource on assessment and feedback at the University of Strathclyde (Glasgow).
Web resource on feedback at the UOC.
Web resource developed by the Rosa Sensat Teachers Association's Assessment for Learning working group.
Web resource developed by the Feed2Learn research group.
Crue Universidades Españolas report that includes recommendations for implementing online assessment procedures in Spanish universities.
Crue Universidades Españolas report on the regulatory impact of online assessment procedures on data protection and guaranteeing students' rights.
Report on the online university assessment initiatives and tools in the context of COVID-19.
Web resource on an adaptive trust-based e-assessment system for learning (TeSLA project).
Quality assurance rules and guidelines in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA).
How can you tailor online teaching to different fields of study?
Resources on tailor online teaching to different fields of study.
Free courses with audiovisual support and practical exercises, classified by different fields of knowledge: mathematics, economics and finance, science, and computing.
STEM Collection web resource that provides open-access exercises and questionnaires on algebra, calculus and physics.
Lab@Home tool that provides students with a practical means for learning electronic circuit design and assembly and the use of the signal generation devices available in an electronics laboratory to supply electricity to the circuits and make measurements with a multimeter and an oscilloscope.
Data acquisition device for students that combines a complete set of plug-and-play computer-based laboratory instruments with portability for practical learning, both inside and outside the laboratory.
Keysight 34980A multifunction measure unit, a compact, economic, one-box solution for medium to high-density switch/measure applications in design verification, automated testing and data acquisition.
Keysight 34941A RF multiplexer module for the 34980A multifunction switch/measure unit. It offers bi-directional switching for test signals from DC to 3 GHz. High channel isolation ensures quality dynamic range measurements with oscilloscopes, spectrum analysers, or other instrumentation.
Keysight 34946A microwave switch for the 34980A multifunction switch/measure unit. It offers bi-directional switching for test signals from DC to 26.5 GHz. These switches provide excellent insertion loss, isolation, and VSWR specification. The microwave switches are configured as two independent 1x2 (SPDT) terminated switches on a single module. For general-purpose microwave switching applications, the module can be used to switch separate signal sources for a multi-band receiver/transmitter testing application unit.
Web resource on open-source Linux cluster distribution that enables end users to easily build computational clusters, grid endpoints and tiled-display walls.
Web resource on the OpenHPC community, whose intention is to deploy and manage high-performance computing (HPC) Linux clusters, including provisioning tools, resource and client management, development tools, and a variety of scientific libraries.
Web resource on Mellanox Technologies.
Intel® Omni-Path Edge Switch. This switch consists of two models supporting 100 Gb/s for all ports: an entry-level 24-port switch for small clusters and a 48-port switch. The larger switch, in addition to enabling a 48-port fabric in 1U, can be combined with other edge switches and directors to build much larger multitier fabrics. These Intel® Omni-Path Edge Switches are members of the Intel® Omni-Path Fabric 100 series of switches, host adapters, and software, delivering a set of high-speed networking functions.
OpenNebula cloud storage service.
OpenStack cloud storage service.
Cloudera cloud storage service.
JupyterHub cloud storage service.
Kubernetes cloud storage service.
Red Hat OpenShift cloud storage service.
Docker cloud storage service.
Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud storage service.
Microsoft Azure cloud storage service.
Google Cloud cloud storage service.
RStudio Cloud en la docencia online en asignaturas de metodología y estadística
Webinar which explains the use of the RStudio cloud tool, which helps solve installation and familiarization problems, eliminates each student's particular problems with the software and enhances teachers' control of students' data desktop.

Inventory of freely available online tools and open educational resources for language teaching and learning developed by the ICT-REV project.
No hay nada más inútil que una pregunta mal planteada: ¿Cómo plantear buenas preguntas?
Webinar which analyses how continuous assessment exercises can be conceived and developed in Law studies. The aim is not only to identify the questions that awaken interest in studying Law and address basic concepts but also – and most importantly – be able to present the questions correctly. There is nothing more useless than answering a badly presented question.

Enseñar contabilidad online: El reto de acercarnos a la realidad
Webinar which gives recommendations to online students to help them learn accounting successfully. This is a field in which how the activities to be performed are designed becomes an essential tool for effective learning and student motivation.

Article on an instructional design framework for authentic learning environments with nine criteria.
Herrington, J. [Jan] i Oliver, R. [Ron]. (2000). An instructional design framework for authentic learning environments. Educational technology research and development, 48(3), 23-48.
A book which gives detailed, contextualized examples and guidelines for developing and implementing authentic learning activities in online environments.
Web resource of the UNWTO Academy.
Resource on online teaching and learning.
Emergency health and wellness
Resources on emergency health and wellness.
Cuidando al formador online en tiempos de crisis
Webinar which talks about the qualities required of an online trainer to avoid damaging their own or their students' health in times of crisis. It consists of an eminently practical presentation of strategies, models, emotional and management skills, tools and techniques to successfully provide online training with the least possible toll on health.

A post in the UOC Faculty of Health Sciences blog which includes recommendations for a healthy diet during the coronavirus lockdown.
A post in the UOC Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences blog which includes psychological tips for coping with the coronavirus lockdown.
Information about the UOC X MOOC (massive open online course) Health Literacy: Proposals and Ideas for Caring for Others and Caring for Ourselves.
Librarians responsible for this library guide
Àgueda Mercadal
Operative subgroup: Librarian for Psychology and Education, vocational training Operative group: Library for Learning