Library guides
Subject: Economy and Business Computer science, Multimedia and TelecommunicationsE-commerce
E-commerce consists of any kind of economic transaction or buying and selling of products or services via Internet and other telecommunications networks, both between the Administration and businesses and consumers, and between the latter two. Today, a considerable volume of e-commerce consists of the acquisition of online goods.

What is e-commerce?
Some tools to define and understand e-commerce.
E-commerce on Wikipedia in English. It contains the definition of the concept, its origin and historical evolution, and a description of its characteristics, uses and advantages, among other information of interest.
UOC learning resource on e-commerce. Arranged in five modules: Introduction to E-commerce, Security in E-commerce, Information Management, Electronic Payment Systems and Electronic Copyright Protection.
UOC learning resource on e-commerce. Arranged in five modules: Introduction to E-commerce, Security in E-commerce, Information Management, Electronic Payment Systems and Electronic Copyright Protection.
Introductory guide to e-commerce, online sales, related legal aspects, etc., published by the Government of Catalonia, Idigital and the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce, among others.
Article introducing a model that relates the age, size and innovation of the business to e-commerce. The final conclusion of the document is that the fundamental element of e-commerce is innovation.
Article explaining an operational website model for e-commerce. The website must be highly intuitive to provide administrators with a global form of managing and understanding the website, which helps measure its success.
Study on e-commerce activity patterns and their impact on the growth of labour productivity in 14 European countries.
Statistical data website of the National Markets and Competition Commission (CNMC), with the latest quarterly statistics on e-commerce in Spain.
Eurostat article, with statistics about e-commerce in the European Union.
Online dictionary specialized in basic e-commerce terminology.
More than 470 terms related to cybersecurity, cyberattacks, the social behaviours associated with this domain, and technologies used for cybersecurity strategies. The entries contain designations and definitions in Catalan and equivalences in English, French and Spanish.
Librarians responsible for this library guide
Albert Cervera
Operative subgroup: Librarian for Economics and Business, vocational training and advanced-level training courses for professionals Operative group: Library for LearningLis Balcells
Operative subgroup: Librarian for Computer Science, Multimedia and Telecommunications, vocational training Operative group: Library for Learning