Library guides
Subject: Arts and humanitiesAlfonso Vegara Gómez. Inaugural lecture 2008-2009
The UOC Library has prepared a round-up with links to university, Catalan, Spanish and other catalogues, databases and bodies linked to the career of architect and sociologist Alfonso Vegara to coincide with his giving the inaugural lecture.

Search results
Search on the Catalan Universities' Collective Catalogue
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Documents on Alfonso Vegara available in the different Catalan university libraries. Consultation accessible via the CCUC.
Search on the Spanish National Library's Catalogue
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A search on Alfonso Vegara in the Spanish National Library's Catalogue.
Wikipedia - Alfonso Veraga Gómez
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Alfonso Vegara's entry in Wikipedia.
Librarians responsible for this library guide
Elisabet Cervera
Operative subgroup: Librarian for Health, ICT skills Operative group: Library for Learning