Library Guides
The Library team puts together dossiers with selected recommended content in different formats, from websites to videos, journals or books. Many of our Library guides are produced in partnership with the University's faculties and research centres.
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Inclusive education
Subject: Psychology and Educational Sciencescategories.isEmpty false
userProgramList falseWhat is inclusive education? L'educació inclusiva: definició, context i motius link opens in a new window Article providing... -
Final projects with a gender perspective
Subject: Multidisciplinarycategories.isEmpty false
userProgramList falseStarting point Resources that encourage reflection on the need to include the gender perspective from the beginning... -
Digital rights and citizenship
Subject: Law and Political Sciencecategories.isEmpty false
userProgramList falseWhat are digital rights? What are digital rights? link opens in a new window German media outlet introducing the term... -
Educating the future. Inaugural lecture 2024/2025
Subject: Psychology and Educational Sciencescategories.isEmpty false
userProgramList falseCurrent challenges Resources to explore the challenges currently facing the world of education, from generative artificial... -
Theoretical framework of artificial intelligence
Subject: Computer science, Multimedia and Telecommunicationscategories.isEmpty false
userProgramList falseBasic concepts What is AI? ¿Qué es y cómo funciona la INTELIGENCIA ARTIFICIAL? Video explaining what artificial intelligence... -
Intellectual Property and Artificial Intelligence
Subject: Arts and humanities | Law and Political Sciencecategories.isEmpty false
userProgramList falseWhat is intellectual property (IP)? UOC Library – Intellectual property link opens in a new window The UOC's guide to... -
Corporate image
Subject: Information and Communication Sciencescategories.isEmpty false
userProgramList falseBrand image How to Build a Brand in 10 Simple StepsA video explaining ten simple steps to building a brand, including... -
Women's health
Subject: Health Sciences | Psychology and Educational Sciencescategories.isEmpty false
userProgramList falseHealthy habits Alimentación saludable y mujeres link opens in a new window A series of frequently asked questions about... -
Prevention and awareness of suicidal behaviour
Subject: Multidisciplinary | Psychology and Educational Sciencescategories.isEmpty false
userProgramList falseLiterature Revisión sistemática de la prevalencia de ideación y conducta suicida en menores víctimas de abuso sexual... -
Diversity and interculturality in learning resources
Subject: Multidisciplinary | Psychology and Educational Sciencescategories.isEmpty false
userProgramList falseDiversity, interculturality and non-discrimination Guia de comunicació amb perspectiva intercultural link opens in a... -
Online gender-based violence
Subject: Multidisciplinarycategories.isEmpty false
userProgramList falseUnderstanding the term La violencia de género contra la mujer: definición link opens in a new window History of the... -
Combatting LGBTI-phobia
Subject: Multidisciplinarycategories.isEmpty false
userProgramList falseIdentifying and combating LGBTI-phobia Spanish Federation of LGTBI+ resources link opens in a new window Documents about... -
What to read? Choose your next reading
Subject: Arts and humanitiescategories.isEmpty false
userProgramList falseA selection of literature A selection of Catalan, Spanish and foreign literature that can be accessed through the UOC... -
Artificial intelligence in teaching
Subject: Computer science, Multimedia and Telecommunications | Psychology and Educational Sciencescategories.isEmpty false
userProgramList falseGeneric resources Reinterpreting intelligence to reinterpret what we are link opens in a new window The inaugural... -
Critical communication, gender and feminisms
Subject: Information and Communication Sciences | Multidisciplinarycategories.isEmpty false
userProgramList falseKey reflections Reading materials broadly relating to all aspects of critical communication. Imaginarios decoloniales... -
Academic plagiarism
Subject: Multidisciplinarycategories.isEmpty false
userProgramList falseWhat is it? To learn more about plagiarism, the UOC Library has prepared this dossier that provides resources and tools...