Library Guides
The Library team puts together dossiers with selected recommended content in different formats, from websites to videos, journals or books. Many of our Library guides are produced in partnership with the University's faculties and research centres.
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What to read? Choose your next reading
Subject: Arts and humanitiescategories.isEmpty false
userProgramList falseA selection of literature A selection of Catalan, Spanish and foreign literature that can be accessed through the UOC... -
Academic plagiarism
Subject: Multidisciplinarycategories.isEmpty false
userProgramList falseWhat is it? To learn more about plagiarism, the UOC Library has prepared this dossier that provides resources and tools... -
Access to the UOC’s scientific output
Subject: Multidisciplinarycategories.isEmpty false
userProgramList falseSearch doctoral theses defended by UOC doctoral students Resources where you can consult the doctoral theses defended... -
Advertising, yesterday and today: information sources
Subject: Arts and humanities | Information and Communication Sciencescategories.isEmpty false
userProgramList falseCurrent affairs in the advertising industry Generalist portals and databases Ad Forum link opens in a new window Since... -
Aina Moll i Marquès. Honorary Doctor
Subject: Arts and humanitiescategories.isEmpty false
userProgramList falseSearch results Viquipèdia - Aina Moll i Marquès link opens in a new window Entry for Aina Moll i Marquès on Viquipèdia,... -
Alain Touraine. Honorary Doctor
Subject: Arts and humanitiescategories.isEmpty false
userProgramList falseSearch results Summon - Alain Touraine link opens in a new window A pre-recorded search on Summon, the search engine... -
Alejandro R. Jadad Bechara. Honorary Doctor
Subject: Health Sciencescategories.isEmpty false
userProgramList falseWho is he? In 1989, he published El paciente neuroquirurgico: manejo anestésico y de cuidados intensivos (The neurosurgery... -
Alfonso Vegara Gómez. Inaugural lecture 2008-2009
Subject: Arts and humanitiescategories.isEmpty false
userProgramList falseSearch results Search on the Catalan Universities' Collective Catalogue link opens in a new window Documents on Alfonso... -
Àngels Fitó Bertran, new UOC president
Subject: Multidisciplinarycategories.isEmpty false
userProgramList falseWho is she? Get to know the UOC's new president! Personal page link opens in a new window Professional profile... -
Art manifestos
Subject: Arts and humanitiescategories.isEmpty false
userProgramList falseKey concepts 'Art manifesto' a la Wikipedia link opens in a new window Entry for art manifesto in Wikipedia in English... -
Art, gender and technology
Subject: Arts and humanities | Computer science, Multimedia and Telecommunicationscategories.isEmpty false
userProgramList falseDigital content creation initiatives Sue Gardner link opens in a new window Sue Gardner (b. 1967) is a Canadian journalist... -
Artificial intelligence in teaching
Subject: Computer science, Multimedia and Telecommunications | Psychology and Educational Sciencescategories.isEmpty false
userProgramList falseGeneric resources Reinterpreting intelligence to reinterpret what we are link opens in a new window The inaugural... -
Attention to diversity
Subject: Psychology and Educational Sciencescategories.isEmpty false
userProgramList falseGuidelines Equity and Inclusion in the Online Learning Environment link opens in a new window This best practice guide... -
Audiovisual banks
Subject: Multidisciplinarycategories.isEmpty false
userProgramList falseGeneral film, video and sound banks Academic Video Online (AVON) link opens in a new window Choose from over 63,000... -
Audiovisual Open Resources for work and learning projects
Subject: Multidisciplinarycategories.isEmpty false
userProgramList falseWhere to locate resources that can be reused to illustrate our work? In this monograph you will find banks of open access... -
Book assessment
Subject: Multidisciplinarycategories.isEmpty false
userProgramList falseTimes cited The number of times the book or book chapter has been cited in other works (articles, books, etc.). Scopus...