
Recommend a resource

Books, articles and more

Is there anything missing at the Library that you think we should have? Recommend a new resource for us to add so it can be enjoyed by the UOC community as a whole. It can be a book, a digital journal, database and others.

Make your request

Recommend an item and we will consider adding it to our collection.

How it works?

  1. Recommendation

    Fill in the form with your recommendation. This could be, for example, a book or a database that you would like us to subscribe to. It must be an academic resource that you think would be interesting for the UOC community.

  2. Assessment

    We will consider your suggestion in accordance with the University's areas of study, teaching and research.

  3. Decision

    We will contact you to inform you of our decision.

    We will give priority to digital content, in accordance with the UOC's commitment to this format.

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Frequently Asked Questions

If the request is approved, the UOC Library will cover the cost of purchasing the contents.

Teaching staff, researchers and students can suggest the purchase of resources such as books, journals, databases and others through the Recommend a resource service.

Our team at the Library will evaluate the possibility of including the resource using the following criteria:

  • The interest and relevance of the topic and the authors in relation to the university's fields of study, teaching and research
  • The resource's availability in digital format (this will be prioritized)
  • Budget availability and resources already present in the collection, to ensure thematic balance

The Library will inform you whether your request has been approved or declined.

  • To donate documents to the UOC Library, send us a list of titles to the email address, and our team will consider adding them to our collection based on the University's areas of study and research.

    Please contact our team before bringing any books in person. Once the donation has been approved, a delivery date will be agreed.