2023/2024 academic year

Facts and figures

  • In the 2023/2024 academic year the UOC Library team continued to work to improve the university community's search experience, making it more personalized and efficient.

    Operative group: 

    Esther Simón Riazuelo

The Library is on the up, in both demand and satisfaction

Visits and downloads


downloads (averaging 70 per student)




visits to the site

  • Top 5 databases

    1. eLibro

      Over 100,000 e-books from Spanish and Latin American publishers.

    2. O'Reilly

      E-books, articles and videos on computer science, technology, multimedia and business.

    3. Ebook Central

      Thousands of e-books in English and Spanish on a wide variety of topics.

    4. vLex

      A legal platform with global coverage containing legislation, case law and practical guides.

    5. ScienceDirect

      Books and journals covering topics including psychology, economics and health.

  • Top 5 library guides

    1. Academic plagiarism

      Copying texts in an academic paper without citing the source is plagiarism, and is a breach of copyright.

    2. Theoretical framework of artificial intelligence

      AI has developed rapidly. This library guide covers specific concepts, types, and uses in the field.

    3. Fake News

      Fake news is spread in the knowledge that it is untrue, and there are limited ways to counter it.

    4. Spanish language resources

      The Library and the Language Service provide resources in Spanish for linguistic queries and news.

    5. Image banks

      A collection of free image banks in different disciplines.

Learning resources in the classrooms

Produced by the UOC

Learning resources UOC


Owned by third parties

Book chapters, book excerpts, articles, and other documents 9,484
Films 153
Books 169
Case studies 48
Software programs 40
Total 9,894
Licences obtained  
Films 48,060
Books 30,090
Software 8,443
Case studies 5,112
Total 91,705

User services and training

Attendees 2,070
Training courses given 74
Training courses for students 42
Training courses for teaching staff 32
Hours taught 152
The Library Replies service and other enquiry channels 3,247


The Library staff

Learning resources UOC

Library communication impact

Followers 4,258
New followers 203
Total tweets 475
Tweet impressions 79,200
Visits to the profile 208
News items  
Number of news items published 66
Annual increase +18.9%
Views 95,603


Network collaboration