Library guides
Subject: MultidisciplinaryAcademic plagiarism
Nowadays it is very easy to copy a text from the internet and paste it into your academic work without citing the sources consulted. This practice is called plagiarism. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, to plagiarise is to «take the work or an idea (thoughts, writings, inventions) of someone else and pass it off as one's own». From a legal standpoint plagiarism is a violation of copyright.

What is it?
To learn more about plagiarism, the UOC Library has prepared this dossier that provides resources and tools to avoid and detect plagiarism, guidelines to protect intellectual property, and additional reading on the subject.
The Wikipedia entry for plagiarism. It contains abundant information and interesting bibliographic references on the subject.
The internet has become the main source where information can be located, which has facilitated certain university student practices, plagiarism and cyber-plagiarism in particular. Academic plagiarism and related dishonest practices result in the incorporation, although unevenly, of legal, educational, and anti-plagiarism software, etc., on websites in an increasing number of Spanish university libraries.
DOMÍNGUEZ AROCA, María Isabel. Lucha contra el plagio desde las bibliotecas universitarias. In: El profesional de la información. 2012. Vol.21, núm. 5, pp. 498-503. ISSN 1386-6710 [accessed: 20 april, 2023]. Available at:
An online 8-question situational test on situations in which one might commit plagiarism involuntarily.