Harvard 11th ed style
These are the general criteria for citations as per the Harvard 11th ed style.
Bibliographic reference
Author's surname, initial of the author's name. (year) 'Title of the article', Name of the journal, vol.(no.), pp. first page number - last page number.
Mora, A. (2017) 'Gamification: a systematic review of design frameworks', Journal of Computing in Higher Education, 29(3), pp. 516-548.
'Title of the post' (year) Name of the blog, day and month of publication. Available at: URL (Accessed: day month year).
'La pandemia acelera el proceso hacia la digitalización de las instituciones educativas' (2022) eLearning Innovation Center Blog, 3 February. Available at: https://blogs.uoc.edu/elearning-innovation-center/the-pandemic-accelerates-the-process-towards-digitalization-of-educational-institutions/ (Accessed: 23 February 2022).
Author's surname, initial of the author's name. (Year) Title of the book: subtitle. Edition no. Place: publisher.
Caballero Fernández, R. E., Sánchez Huete, M. A., Alonso J. A., Aguirre, P. and Santander, G. (2000) Matemáticas aplicadas a la economía y a la empresa: 434 ejercicios resueltos y comentados. Madrid: Pirámide.
Chapter or part of a book
Author's surname, initial of the author's name. (Year) 'Title of the chapter'. In: Title of the book: subtitle. Place: publisher, p./pp. first page number - last page number.
Myro, R. (2019) 'Crecimiento económico y cambio estructural'. In: Lecciones de economía española. Cizur Menor, Navarra: Civitas, pp. 43-65.
Conference papers
Author's surname, initial of the author's name. (Year) 'Title of the paper', surname, initial of the editor's name. Name of the conference. Place and date of the conference, p./pp. XX-XX.
Pastrana Santamarta, P. and Moreno Collado, A. M. (2003) 'Ubicación de plantas de biomasa para producir electricidad mediante sistemas de información geográfica (GIS)', in Agüera, J., Gil, J. and López, F. J. (ed.) 2nd Congreso Nacional de Agroingeniería. Cordoba, 24-27 September 2003. Seville: Directorate-General for Agriculture, pp. 25-26.
Author's surname, initial of the author's name. (Year) 'Title of the talk', surname, initial of the editor's name. Name of the conference. Place and date of the conference, p./pp. XX-XX. Available at: URL (Accessed: day month year).
Spain. General Secretariat for Marine Fisheries (2001) Actas de las 1 jornadas internacionales sobre reservas marinas: Murcia 24 al 26 de marzo de 1999. Madrid: Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente. Available at: https://biblioteca.uoc.edu/es/actualidad/noticia/El-O2-Repositorio-UOC-un-escaparate-para-tu-trabajo-final (Accessed: 1 January 2022).
Author's surname, initial of the author's name (year of the edition) Title (version) [database]. Place: distribution company.
MathWorks (2012) MATLAB (Version 7.4) [database]. Natick: MathWorks.
Anon (2003) ScienceDirect e-books [database]. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
Author's surname, initial of the author's name. (Year) Title of the book: subtitle. Edition number. Place: publisher. Available at: URL (Accessed: day month year).
Fournier, C. (2019) 97 things every engineering manager should know. Beijing: O'Really. Available at: https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/97-things-every/9781492050896/ (Accessed: 23 January 2020).
Final project (bachelor's or master's degree)
Author's surname, initial of the author's name. (Year) Title of the final project: subtitle. Bachelor's/Master's degree final project. Name of the university.
Author's surname, initial of the author's name. (Year) Title of the final project: subtitle [format]. Bachelor's/Master's degree final project. Name of the university. Place: publisher.
Miranda González, A. (2022) Projecte de construcció d'un parc eòlic. Master's degree final project. Universitat Oberta de Catalunya.
Author's surname, initial of the author's name. (Year) Title of the final project: subtitle. Bachelor's/Master's degree final project. Name of the university. Place: publisher. Available at: URL (Accessed: day month year).
Miranda González, A. (2022) Projecte de construcció d'un parc eòlic. Master's degree final project. Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Available at: https://biblioteca.uoc.edu/es/actualidad/noticia/El-O2-Repositorio-UOC-un-escaparate-para-tu-trabajo-final (Accessed: 1 January 2022).
Surname, name of the interviewee (year) Title of the interview, if any [personal communication] date of the interview: day month year.
Patel, S. (2006) Reactions to Political Moves [interview by A. Jameson]. In: Johns, D. R. (2006) Table Talk: Interviews with Local Individuals. London: Collins, 23-45.
Name of the institution (year) Title. Place: publisher.
Anon (1981) Revista de Análisis Transaccional y Psicología Humanista. Madrid: AESPAT.
Country. Institution that approved the law, (if any). Name of the law type and number [online], date of enactment. Available at: URL (Accessed: day month year).
Spain. Head of State, (2018). Ley Orgánica 3/2018, de 5 de diciembre, de Protección de Datos Personales y garantía de los derechos digitales [online], 5 December 2018. Available at: https://www.boe.es/boe/dias/2018/12/06/pdfs/BOE-A-2018-16673.pdf (Accessed: 21 February 2021).
France. Assemblée Nationale, (2017). Loi relative au devoir de vigilance des sociétés mères et des entreprises donneuses d'ordre 2017-399 [online], 27 March 2017. Available at: https://www.legifrance.gouv.fr/eli/loi/2017/3/27/ECFX1509096L/jo/texte (Accessed: 13 January 2021).
Catalonia. Department of the Presidency of the Government of Catalonia, (2015). Llei 17/2015, del 21 de juliol, d'igualtat efectiva de dones i homes [online], 23 July 2015. Available at: http://cido.diba.cat/legislacio/6132785/llei-172015-del-21-de-juliol-digualtat-efectiva-de-dones-i-homes-departament-de-la-presidencia (Accessed: 24 February 2022).
Online article
Author's surname, initial of the author's name. (year) 'Title of the article', Name of the journal, vol.(no.), first page number - last page number. Available at: DOI or URL (Accessed: day month year).
Moral-Moral, M. and Fernández-Alles, M. T. (2019) 'Percepciones del residente local sobre el turismo industrial como una modalidad de desarrollo sostenible', Revista de Estudios Regionales, 114, pp. 45-69. Available at: http://www.revistaestudiosregionales.com/documentos/articulos/pdf-articulo-2561.pdf (Accessed: 27 January 2020).
Policy report
Name of the Department of government (Year). Title. Place of publication: Publisher (Series if applicable). Available at: URL (Accessed: day month year).
Department of Health & Children (2006). A vision for change report of the expert group on mental health policy. Dublin: Government of Ireland. Available at: https://www.gov.ie/en/publication/999b0e-a-vision-for-change/ (Accessed: 21 February 2006).
Online newspaper
Author's surname, initial of the author's name. (Year) 'Headline', Full name of the newspaper, day and month of publication. Available at: URL (Accessed: day month year).
Sanchis, L. (2015). 'Cinco sorpresas en las listas de Rajoy para las generales'. El Diario, 11 November. Available at: http://www.eldiario.es/politica/listas-Rajoygenerales_0_451105072.html (Accessed: 1 January 2022).
Photographs, prints or posters
Author's surname, initial of the author's name. (Year) Title: subtitle. Place: publisher.
Graphic document
Oostiner, M. (2011) Psychobiological effects of perinatal exposure to odorants in mice. Part II: Behavioural alteration. Vol. 36. Oxford University Press (OUP).
Tàpies, A. (1986) Tàpies Barcelona, novembre 1986 - gener 1987. Barcelona: La Polígrafa.
Capitani, R. (1994) Gravat-Mataró 94 VIII exposició del taller de gravat... : del 6 al 25 de setembre de 1994... Barcelona: Mataró Municipal Board of Culture.
Surname, name (Year) 'Title of the episode', Name of the series (if relevant) [podcast], station or channel. Date and time of broadcast: day month hours:minutes. Available at: URL (Accessed: day month year).
Archers, The (2015) [podcast] Radio 4. 5 October, 14:00. Available at: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b06fkm32#play (Accessed: 6 October 2015).
García, L. (2011) 'Ajedrez y Alzheimer', No es un día cualquiera [podcast] Radio Nacional de España. 3 July. Available at: http://www.rtve.es/alacarta/audios/no-esundia-cualquiera/no-dia-cualquiera-ajedrezalzheimer/1144234/ (Accessed: 26 June 2014).
National Gallery (2008) 'Episode Seventeen', The National Gallery Monthly Podcast [podcast] March. Available at: http://www.nationalgallery.org.uk/podcasts (Accessed: 23 June 2009).
Social media
Author's surname, initial of the author's name (for individuals) or name of the organization. [Username]. (Year). First sentence of the post. [Name of the social media outlet]. Day and month of the post. Available at: URL (Accessed: day month year).
Government of Aragon. [gobaragon]. (2019). El @gobaragon consigue la eclosión de 5 #quebrantahuesos en el CRIAH, gestionado por @fundacion_quebrantahuesos. [Instagram]. 3 April. Available at: https://www.instagram.com/p/Bvyl-krnna2/ (Accessed: 14 April 2019).
Author's surname, initial of the author's name (for individuals) or name of the organization. [Username]. (Year). First sentence of the post. [Name of the social media outlet]. Day and month of the post. Available at: URL (Accessed: day month year).
University of Zaragoza Library. [Biblioteca.Universidad.de.Zaragoza]. (2019). Granada es Lorca, y Lorca es Granada. [Facebook]. 7 May. Available at: https://www.facebook.com/Biblioteca.Universidad.de.Zaragoza (Accessed: 14 April 2019).
Video (YouTube o Vimeo)
Author's surname, initial of the author's name (for individuals) or name of the organization. [Username]. (Year). First sentence of the post. [Name of the social media outlet]. Day and month of the post. Available at: URL (Accessed: day month year).
University of Zaragoza Library. (2018). VídeoBUZ 2: Cómo buscar en el catálogo Roble. [YouTube]. 15 October. Available at: https://youtu.be/V4Sm8VhT7dg (Accessed: 14 April 2019).
Author's surname, initial of the author's name (year of the edition) Title (version) [software]. Place: distribution company.
Author's surname, initial of the author's name (year of the edition) Title (version) [software]. Place: distribution company.
International GeoGebra Institute (2017) GeoGebra (Version [software]. Available at: https://geogebra.en.softonic.com/?ex=CORE-1074.0 (Accessed: 2 February 2017).
Author's surname, initial of the author's name. (Year) Title of the book: subtitle. Edition no. Place: publisher.
American Psychological Association. (2020) Publication manual of the American Psychological Association: the official guide to APA style. 7th edition. Washington D. C.: American Psychological Association.
Author's surname, initial of the author's name. (Year) Title of the thesis: subtitle. Doctoral thesis. Name of the university.
Author's surname, initial of the author's name. (Year) Title of the thesis: subtitle [format]. Doctoral thesis. Name of the university. Place: publisher.
Author's surname, initial of the author's name. (Year) Title of the thesis: subtitle. Doctoral thesis. Name of the university. Place: publisher. Available at: URL [Accessed: day month year].
Unpublished thesis
Benítez Ronchel, J. J. (1986) El funcionamiento del mercado de trabajo: la segmentación como base teórica para el diseño de una política laboral. Unpublished doctoral thesis. University of Malaga.
Published thesis
López García, J. (2001) Una aportación a la aritmética computacional mediante lógica umbral [CD-ROM]. Doctoral thesis. University of Malaga. Malaga, Spain: Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad.
UOC learning resources (text-based or audiovisual)
Author's surname, initial of the author's name. (Year) Title of the book: subtitle. [Text-based learning resource]. Edition number. Place: publisher.
Cassián Yde, N. (2015) Culturas de la innovación y el emprendizaje. [Text-based learning resource]. 1st edition. Barcelona: Fundació per a la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (FUOC).
Author's surname, initial of the author's name. (Year) Title of the book: subtitle. [Audiovisual learning resource]. Place: publisher.
Puigfel Dalmau, G. (2019) L'escolta activa: focalitzar-se en el tema i trobar els primers passos a seguir. [Audiovisual learning resource]. Barcelona: Fundació per a la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (FUOC).
Video games
Author's surname, initial of the author's name (year of edition) Title (version) [video game]. Place: distribution company. Available at: URL (Accessed: day month year).
Candy Crush Saga (2012) [video game]. St. Julian's, Malta: King Digital Entertainment. Available at: https://www.king.com/game/candycrush (Accessed: 26 June 2014).
Organization (year of creation or updating) Website name. Available at: URL (Accessed: day month year).
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) (2022). Available at: https://www.uoc.edu/portal/en/index.html (Accessed: 24 February 2022).
Agència per a la Qualitat Universitària (2022) AQU main site. Available at: https://www.aqu.cat/ca/ (Accessed: 24 February 2022).
FECYT (2022) FECYT. Available at: https://www.fecyt.es/en/ (Accessed: 24 February 2022).
In-text citations
One author
(Author surname, Year of publication)
(Vinyoles, 2016)
Two authors
(First author surname and Second author surname, Year of publication)
(Njenga and Fourie, 2010)
Three authors
(First author surname, Second author surname and Third author surname, Year of publication)
(Clegg, Hudson and Steel, 2003)
More than three authors
(First author surname et al., Year of publication)
(Nguyen et al., 2019)
(Organization, Year of publication)
(Generalitat de Catalunya, 2020)