Editorial Médica Panamericana (EVA)
A group specializing in the publication of content in Spanish on health sciences for all levels of education.
Bear in mind
Books published by this firm are available as learning resources and can only be accessed from UOC's classrooms.
Some books are available on the EVA platform, which provides a more interactive experience.
You will find the links to access the books you need in the classrooms.
This publisher's books can only be read online.
Set up a free personal account on the EVA platform to access additional functions such as the option to underline or highlight text.
User guide
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How long can I read it for? |
Manual |
No | Yes | Yes | Si lo imprimes, por siempre. Si no lo imprimes, hasta que estés matriculado en la asignatura | Manual Panamericana EVA (Spanish) |