
The digital repository is being upgraded to improve accessibility and visibility of the scientific output

Subject:  Multidisciplinary
Reaffirm the digital repository's role as a promoter of open access.

The O2 contains 8,000 documents deposited by the UOC community: scientific articles, doctoral theses, final degree projects and teaching materials.

As part of the International Open Access Week, the UOC is launching a new version of the O2 repository. The latest update of the DSpace software allows a more innovative design, in line with the new UOC brand, offering new functions to students, faculty, researchers and administrative staff.

The UOC's commitment to the community continues to focus on guaranteeing maximum mobility. Accordingly, the upgrade will allow users to consult the new repository from any device, thanks to the responsive design.

The new version improves visibility of the scientific output, positioning the UOC's digital repository on the leading research dissemination platforms: OpenAire and Recolecta. Thus, any document deposited in O2 is accessible from Google Scholar, Cirax, MDX, Racó, Recercat, OpenDOAR, OAIsterTDX and TESEO. The document can be accessed with a simple Google search.

With the upgrade, the UOC is able to undertake projects with a strong future potential: altmetrics monitoring, interoperability with GIR (the internal research management system) and Bibliometrics (a tool for analysing and displaying scientific output), user participation in the contents (rating, sharing) and an outreach campaign to foster use of the repository among researchers and faculty.

Migration of the repository to version 5.3 of the DSpace software, the most commonly used software by universities around the world, coincides with access to the 8,000 documents deposited by the UOC community: scientific articles, doctoral theses, final degree projects and teaching materials. The O2 holds 248th place in the world ranking, which analyses 2,297 repositories.

The repository upgrade is the outcome of one year's work, with input from many UOC members, including Library and Learning Resources and Technology, and also from the companies Seidor, GrandIR and Tothomweb.

With the release of the new version, institutional managers and researchers from the UOC have taken part in an audiovisual capsule to reaffirm the digital repository's role as a promoter of open access.

El Acceso Abierto y el repositorio digital de la UOC