The Cochrane Library: evidence for healthcare decision-making
Subject: Health Sciences11/02/21Sign up to attend the upcoming Cochrane Library webinars so that you too can make the most of the systematic, up-to-date reviews and other resources it has to offer.
La Biblioteca Cochrane is a Wiley group health sciences collection run by the international non-profit organization Cochrane. With a view to aiding healthcare professionals in making well-informed clinical and health decisions, the organization publishes systematic, up-to-date reviews on its platform.
Thanks to a subscription paid for by Spain's Ministry of Health, Social Policy and Equality, you can view all the English-language content available, Spanish translations of the comprehensive reviews, and any of the collections on specific healthcare-related topics.
Every Cochrane review addresses one question, for example "Can antibiotics alleviate the symptoms of a sore throat?" To find the answer, a team of experts scours the existing research and separates out all the primary studies on the topic. Then, they assess the studies to determine whether they provide evidence that backs a specific treatment.
The Wiley group has prepared a series of one-hour webinars to assist university library users in making the most of Cochrane Library.
17.00 h (CET)
Registration required
This session will focus on performing advanced searches on the platform and using MeSH and PICO vocabulary, which only work in its English-language search engine.
16.30 h (CET)
Registration required.
In this session you will learn to apply Cochrane evidence to specific scenarios in your daily practice, explore recently published reviews, and analyse the organization's review methods and results to find answers to questions related to a specific case.
9.00 h (CET)
Registration required
This session will cover the basics of Cochrane Library: the type of content it offers, how to find texts in your language, what information there is about COVID-19 and how to perform searches.
15.00 h (CET)
Registration required .
These webinars aim to offer a general overview of how the platform works and what content it offers, and will also touch on the resources available concerning COVID-19.
Should you have any doubts, don't hesitate to contact us through The Library Replies.