
Find information with the Factiva newspaper library: current affairs, business news and technological breakthroughs

Subject:  Multidisciplinary
people consulting mobile phones and computers
Author: Sandra Pérez (foto: fauxels de Pexels)

The Factiva digital newspaper library provides expert-curated news on a wide range of topics

Analyse a company's reputation, follow cryptocurrency developments or read about the latest current affairs

Too much information or unreliable contents can make it hard to keep up to date on current issues and emerging trends in your field of interest. Luckily, the Factiva digital newspaper library team has done the work for you. Using the option Factiva Expert Searches, you will find a selection of curated news, grouped by topic, ranging from business to international conflicts and medicine.

What topics can you find out about?

There are about 20 topics. News items are sorted by language, and the list is updated on a regular basis. For example, you will find:

  • Sentiment analysis: news items classified according to whether they contain positive or negative mentions of a person or company.
  • People search: news stories that mention or relate to prominent figures in various areas, such as digital analysis, marketing or technology.
  • Life and health sciences: news items relating to the European Medicines Agency (EMA), clinical trials, and biosimilar or experimental medicines.
  • Ukraine-Russia conflict: general news about the conflict and more specific news about refugees, the supply chain, the impact on companies, raw materials, sanctions on Russia and think tanks about the conflict.
  • Cost-of-living crisis: news items about inflation and the rising prices of food in relation to the average salary.
  • Energy and sustainability: trends in electric vehicles, renewable energy and environmental protection.
  • Investments according to specific criteria: news items relating to companies' socially responsible investments in terms of biodiversity, wastewater, deforestation and waste.
Factiva Expert Searches
  • Taxation and accounting: information on taxes or reforms and accounting regulations.
  • Competitive intelligence: track innovative corporate initiatives, mergers and acquisitions, digital strategies and more.
  • New technologies: news items about blockchain, cryptocurrencies, artificial intelligence and financial technology (fintech).
  • Reputational risks: news items that may affect the reputation of companies and organizations relating to branding, cybersecurity, customer service, philanthropy, equity and the environment.
  • Trending topics: trending topics ranging from the Israel-Hamas conflict to the world's elections in 2024, the Paris Olympics and the British monarchy.
  • Social issues: information on accessibility, arms control, economic inequalities and diversity

How to use Factiva Expert Searches

You can browse the newspaper library in English or Spanish.

  • Open the Factiva newspaper library. Enter its name in the UOC Library search engine or search for it from inside the page Search the digital collection by field (type Factiva in the Search by name or keyword field).
  • Once inside, choose the Search Builder option.
  • Choose one of the options in the Factiva Expert Searches field and then click on the Search button in the lower margin.
  • Broaden your search with the side filters. Watch this video tutorial to learn more about Factiva.

Learn more about Factiva with this video tutorial. At minute 31:18 the Expert Search option (Factiva Expert Searches) is explained.



It is a database owned by Dow Jones & Company and the Reuters news agency. It is often used in the professional world to monitor market trends, for competitive surveillance or to stay up to date with current affairs through newspapers, market reports and company information. It includes publications such as The Times, The Guardian and El País.

The Factiva Expert Searches option is a fast and reliable way to stay informed and up to date.