Content and activities to celebrate Open Education Week
Subject: Multidisciplinary02/03/20We are offering a series of seminars and educational resources, available online and free of charge.
Open educational resources, or OER, are online learning resources that can be accessed for free and with an open use licence (for example, Creative Commons), which allows them to be used, reused, revised and redistributed.
Thanks to this kind of teaching material, students, teachers and researchers around the world can share and access knowledge, promoting an inclusive approach to learning and contributing to the fulfilment of the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations' 2030 Agenda.
In order to promote the numerous advantages open education offers, every year during Open Education Week (from 2 to 6 March), institutions from around the world organize online seminars and share projects and resources. We want to bring some of the available content and activities to your attention so you can maximize the benefits of these open educational resources.
The European Distance and E-Learning Network (EDEN) is offering six webinars for Open Education Week. The UOC Library's Gema Santos will be at the first one to present one of the focus areas of the University's Open Knowledge Action Plan: open learning. However, Ms Santos is not the only person from the UOC involved in this network. Josep Maria Duart Montoliu, member of the UOC's Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences, is currently EDEN's vice president for research.
The Library created this guide to share some of the best search engines for finding open educational resources, in both general and specialized subjects areas. These include search engines like OER Commons, MERLOT or MDX (Materials Docents en Xarxa).
The repository currently holds 1,600 open access learning resources in a wide range of fields. For example, you can find exercises and solutions for testing yourself on the basics of the Japanese language, such as greetings, numbers, dates and descriptions.
Practically anyone can sign up for these massive online open courses. They tend to last around a month and offer university-level education in a variety of disciplines.
This site, created by REBIUN's working group on repositories, publishes information and projects on open educational resources and open education. Here, you can also find the report Recursos educativos abiertos: estado de la cuestión y pautas para su impulso en las universidades españolas (Open educational resources: state of the art of and guidelines for its improvement in Spanish universities), which examines educational institutions' open educational resources close up.