Artificial intelligence in teaching: a guide to using it and avoiding bad practices
Subject: Psychology and Educational Sciences02/10/23Beyond ChatGPT! This library guide includes an infographic featuring tools based on generative AI for different tasks in education
You can also find examples of prompts to give AI tools instructions and obtain better results
Artificial intelligence (AI) is constantly evolving, and fresh breakthroughs are being made and new tools are appearing every day. Meanwhile, doubts are being raised about its use in areas such as education. To help address the vast amount of information on the subject, a group of experts on AI at the eLearning Innovation Center (eLinC) and the UOC Library have joined forces to produce the Artificial intelligence in teaching library guide.
The guide aims to be a reference source for teaching staff in higher education, with carefully selected resources (websites, infographics, seminars and academic articles) to help you stay up to date with developments in generative AI while, at the same time, keeping in mind the risks and opportunities.
What will you find in it?
- AI methodologies, utilities and tools for classrooms: examples of how to leverage AI in teaching.
The resources include an infographic titled 10 methods and activities for learning and assessment with generative AI, prepared by the eLinC, which recommends an increased variability in types of activity and deliverables. There are also guidelines for supporting students when they use AI in classrooms, such as the infographic How to explain to students what they can do using AI.
- Useful prompts for teaching: guidelines for chatting instructions to AI tools to obtain more effective results.
The contents include the guide How to question AI, which contains specific examples classified according to how they are used in teaching: preparing the course, preparing teaching materials, creating tests and assessments, help with grading methods and rubrics, feedback and communicating with students, summarizing information and documents, and downloading work and help with repetitive tasks.
- Academic articles: a selection of recently published articles examining the pros and cons of ChatGPT in education.
An example is the article titled "Artificial intelligence in higher education: the state of the field", in the International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education, a systematic review providing an overview of the subject.
Inaugural lecture 2023/2024
This library guide is being published to coincide with the inaugural lecture of the UOC's 29th academic year, which will take place on 18 October. The event will focus on the impact of AI in our lives and the educational field in particular. The speakers will be Andreas Kaltenbrunner, lead researcher of the IN3's new research group AI and Data for Society (AID4So), and Marina Garcès, director of the Master's Degree in Philosophy for Contemporary Challenges and director of the MUSSOL research group.