
Are you studying education? A guide with proposals for studying and working on ICT in schools

Subject:  Psychology and Educational Sciences
A little boy looking at his cell phone
Author: Sandra Pérez (foto: @deyan_georgiev -

The library guide on critical digital literacy has been updated to include new resources and a section dedicated to artificial intelligence (AI)

Primary and secondary school teachers will find information to assess the use of new technologies

The guide also includes educational materials to cover topics such as cybersecurity and using social media in the classroom

The library guide "Critical digital literacy" has been updated to include new content aimed at current and future primary and secondary school teachers wishing to promote the critical dimension of digital skills in schools.

Teachers can consult a range of content to assess the positive and negative implications of information and communication technologies (ICT), and to transfer this critical knowledge to their own educational and professional environments.

New section on AI in education

The section on Digital teaching and learning includes various resources that provide a comprehensive overview of the use of artificial intelligence in education. There are videos, such as "Hour of Code", that discuss the importance of AI and how it works and address topics including algorithmic bias and ethical issues. 

There are also articles examining the advantages and disadvantages of AI in education and infographics produced by the UOC that provide practical tools for teachers and methodologies for assessing generative AI and integrating it into classrooms. 

And much more

Además, se han sumado a la biblioguía recursos como:

The library guide also includes resources such as: 

  • Critical digital literacies at school level: A systematic review, providing an overview of critical digital literacy, published in the journal Review of Education.
  • Spot the Troll, a tool to test yourself and identify fake trolls and accounts online.
  • Online Inventors Academy, a free platform for children and teenagers to learn about technology and inventiveness.
  • "Learning Analytics: the power of big data in education", an article on the potential of analytics in education to identify the factors that determine academic success. 

The library guide "Critical digital literacy" has been produced within the framework of the European Erasmus+ DETECT (Developing Teachers' Critical Digital Literacies) research project, with the participation of UOC researchers and experts at other international universities and centres.

The content has been chosen on the basis of the digital literacy framework of the DETECT project, a roadmap featuring the eight key dimensions that need to be taken into account for a critical focus on technologies, and which range from data literacies to digital well-being and safety.