Meet the team

Adrián de Mon
Operative group: Library for Learning. Computer Science, Multimedia and Telecommunications resource manager, vocational trainingWork fields:
Advice and support for teaching staff, Learning resources, Management of classroom software, Design and editing assistance, BiblioguidesHow can Adrián de Mon help you?
The UOC Library is the home of the learning resources kitchen. Some of the materials that you can find in the classroom are outsourced to experts in the subject and are created specifically for each course. Adrián is responsible for monitoring the process of publishing the resources produced by the UOC for the classrooms of the Faculty of Computer Science, Multimedia and Telecommunications.
He is also responsible for managing learning resources relating to software.
Education and professional career
He holds an official llicenciatura degree in Geography and a bachelor's degree in Information Science (UB), as well as a master's degree in Digital Documentation (UPF). He has been working in libraries and archiving since 2003.
Personal interests
Playing and watching all kinds of sport, reading books and comics, listening to music and podcasts, going to the cinema and watching the latest TV series, and travelling and going on trips.