Pilot test of an AI research assistant

Help us train and improve the Artificial Intelligence (AI) Assistant in a pilot test with the Library search engine.

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Research Assistant

Take part in the pilot test

The UOC Library is taking part in an international pilot test carried out by Clarivate, together with seventeen other institutions including Yale University and Sorbonne University, to assess its AI Research Assistant

The aim is to establish whether it can help improve the UOC community's search experience at the Library.

Try it and see what you think.

What is it?

A generative AI-based search assistant, currently in the beta testing phase, which has been integrated into the Library's search engine. It lets you: 

The AI assistant is continuously trained and improves the more it is used, so it may have some limitations in the testing phase. As with any other generative AI tool, we recommend that you always check information to ensure it is accurate, taking possible errors or bias into account.

Bear in mind:

  • Currently, the tool generates answers based on the abstracts available in the search engine.

You can access the full text of the sources proposed by the assistant when they are open access or subscribed to by the Library.

  • It is not able to interpret certain advanced search requests, such as specific types of document (search for peer-reviewed articles), information in a particular language (look for resources only in Catalan) or information from a specific period (look for recent information on climate change).
  • Each question is self-contained and unrelated to previous questions. For example, if you ask: "What subjects did Simone de Beauvoir write about?", you cannot then ask: "Can you give me some examples?" You must phrase the questions like this: "What is The Second Sex by Simone de Beauvoir about?"