Library guides
Subject: Health SciencesPsychology and Educational Sciences
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Women's health
A set of resources dedicated to addressing the different aspects that influence women's health, considering the disparities that are established in the diagnosis and treatment process, as patients and as health professionals.
Healthy habits
A series of frequently asked questions about healthy eating and the contents of a balanced diet, aimed at women.
Recommendations for women on vitamins and other essential nutrients, and how to incorporate them into their diet.
A series of nutritional tools applied to women's health, for use in each stage of their lives.
An article from the UOC Faculty of Health Sciences blog on the importance of sport for women in keeping healthy.
A collection of resources related to women and various syndromes they may experience throughout their lives.
A series of guides on healthy habits that women can apply in their daily lives for preventing illness and leading a healthy lifestyle.
A book that deals with clinical psychology applied to the differences between genders, and how numerous factors can affect a correct diagnosis of the patient.
An article that examines and relates body mass index (BMI) to the most common illnesses in women, and how it can affect them.
A qualitative study that analyses the problems overweight women face to achieve an appropriate diet during pregnancy.
Del Castillo-Matamoros, Sara Eloísa and Poveda, Natalia. La importancia de la nutrición en la mujer gestante. Revista colombiana de obstetricia y ginecología [internet]. 2021 Oct [accessed July 15, 2024];72(4):339-345. Available at:
Specific diseases of women
A dataset on the quality of women's physical and mental health in various parts of the world, compiled by the World Health Organization.
A list of the most common diseases among women, and which risk factors are taken into account for prevention.
A series of information on women's health, as well as the range of medical services and specialist fields aimed at treating women's diseases.
An analysis of the latest scientific articles on menstruation, fertility and reproductive biology.
Richardson, Sarah. The new science of menstruation. The Lancet [internet]. 2023 Jul [accessed July 15, 2024];402(10395):16. Available at:
An article studying endometriosis, from clinical evaluation to diagnosis and treatment.
Hernández Lee, Allison; Quiroz Soto, César David; Sánchez Mora, Mariola Johanna. Endometriosis: una enfermedad compleja con impacto en la calidad de vida de las mujeres. Revista Medica Sinergia [internet]. 2023 Aug [accessed July 15, 2024];8(8):e1089. Available at:
A review of the literature from various databases on the sexual health of women who have sex with other women, and the related sexually transmitted diseases.
Poliana da Silva Lúcio, Firley; Zerbinati, Joao Paulo; Alves Toledo Bruns, Maria; Vieira de Souza-Leite, Célia. Salud sexual de la mujer lesbica y/o bisexual: especificidades para el cuidado de la salud y la educación sexual. Revista Ibero-Americana de Estudos em Educaçao [internet]. 2019 Jul [accessed July 15, 2024];14(2):1465-1479. Available at:
Gender-related mental health
A collection of risk factors that influence women's mental health.
A guide that provides tools for training people interested in the gender perspective in mental health, and highlights resources for preventing gender-based violence.
A project focusing on training, support, awareness and empowerment for women with mental health issues, aimed at Catalan women.
A report that assesses the impact of the socio-economic factors caused by the gender gap on the emotional health of Spanish women.
A blog post on the gender gap in outcomes for mental health disorders, highlighting inequalities across all areas of the translational spectrum.
A guide to the social image of women and the impacts that this representation can have on mental health and habits in everyday life, produced by the Spanish Ministry of Equality.
A report setting out how women's experiences of mental illness may differ from men's, and strategic priorities for the future.
A study that analyses mental disorders in pregnant women and how they can be negatively influenced by various factors.
An article that deals with perceptions, barriers to access and new developments focused on improving mental health in women in the perinatal period.
Soriano Amador, Katherine; Valencia Ortiz, Nelcy Lorena. Tecnologías de la información y la comunicación como apoyo a la salud mental para mujeres en etapa perinatal. Medicina U.P.B. [internet]. 2024 Jan [accessed July 15, 2024];43(1):65-74. Available at:
An article that assesses how autistic women "camouflage" feelings of discomfort in social situations, in order to influence how they are treated by mental health professionals.
An article on how women who go to primary healthcare centres with mental health issues are treated, and proposals for intervention in these cases.
Palacios-Gálvez, María Soledad; Morales-Marente, Elena; Iáñez-Domínguez, Antonio; Luque-Ribelles, Violeta. Impacto de los grupos socioeducativos de atención primaria en la salud mental de las mujeres. Gaceta Sanitaria [internet]. 2021 Jul [accessed July 15, 2024];35(4):345-351. Available at:
Medical attention
Women as patients
A documentary on obstetric violence and women's mental health in healthcare.
An article that examines how patients of different genders are treated differently, including several hypotheses that may influence this differentiation.
An article that analyses the strategies used by migrant women to overcome the barriers to accessing Argentina's healthcare system.
Florencia Linardelli, María; Anzorena, Claudia. Cuidar, gestionar, esperar. Estrategias de mujeres migrantes ante contextos restrictivos de acceso a la atención sanitaria. Jangwa pana: revista del Programa de Antropología de la Universidad del Magdalena [internet]. 2021 May [accessed July 15, 2024];20(2):206-224. Available at:
An article that looks at how the use of digital technologies can have a positive or negative influence on the gender gap in the healthcare field.
A study that examines health disparities between genders, and to evaluate the use of healthcare for gender reasons.
Bourne, Paul; Brooks, Desrnond. Gender, women and health: gender health differences. International journal of collaborative research on internal medicine & public health [internet]. 2011 Jul [accessed July 15, 2024];3(7):550-574. Available at:
A literature review of articles evaluating gender equality policies in health, and examples of evidence in women's health policies.
Borrell, Carme; Palencia, Laia; Muntaner, Carles; Urquía, Marcelo; Malmusi, Davide and O'Campoi, Patricia. Influence of macrosocial policies on women's health and gender inequalities in health. Epidemiologic reviews [internet]. 2014 [accessed July 15, 2024];36(1):31-48. Available at:
An article that analyses how a country's economy can influence healthcare for women and their experiences with maternity issues.
A study that investigates the social factors behind self-reported health in women and men, and the differences observed in the health system.
Hosseinpoor, Ahamd Reza; Stewart Williams, Jennifer; Amin, Avni; Araujo de Carvalho, Islene; Beard, John; Boerma, Ties et al. Social determinants of self-reported health in women and men: understanding the role of gender in population health. PloS one [internet]. 2012 Apr [accessed July 15, 2024];7(4):e34799. Available at:
Women as healthcare workers
A study that analyses the obstacles that female doctors have to overcome throughout their careers.
Pastor Gosálbez, Mª Inmaculada; Belzunegui Erase, Ángel; Pontón Merina, Paloma. Mujeres en sanidad: entre la igualdad y la desigualdad. Cuadernos de relaciones laborales [internet]. 2012 Jul [accessed July 15, 2024];30(2):497-518. Available at:
A historical overview of public health medicine in England and the gender neutral specialist field that was created.
An article that examines the success of women doctors based on various social factors unrelated to medicine.
An article that examines the leadership positions held by women in the field of medicine, and the regulatory measures necessary to ensure equal opportunities between genders.
Santucci, Claudia; González López-Valcarcel, Beatriz; Avendaño-Solá, Cristina; Bautista, Mari Carmen; Gallardo Pino, Carmen; Lledó García, Lourdes et al. Gender inequity in the medical profession: the women doctors in Spain (WOMEDS) study. Human Resources for Health [internet]. 2023 Sep [accessed July 15, 2024];21(1):1-13. Available at:
An article that discusses how the social standards imposed on women give them highly valuable skills and assets in relation to bedside manner.
Roter, Debra; Hall, Judith. Women doctors don't get the credit they deserve. Journal of general internal medicine [internet]. 2015 Mar [accessed July 15, 2024];30(3):273-274. Available at:
A study that examines the reasons for salary differences among healthcare professionals, and why the gender gap remains in force in this area.
Women's health research
The WHAM report is a series of studies examining the impact of accelerating sex- and gender-based health research on women, their families and the economy.
A study that examines study programmes at medical schools in the United States to assess the inclusion of women's health and gender-specific information, and to identify institutional characteristics associated with this content.
Henrich, Janet; Viscoli, Catherine. What do medical schools teach about women's healthh and gender differences? Academic Medicine [internet]. 2006 May [accessed July 15, 2024];81(5):476-482. Available at:
A study that compares menstrual hygiene products available on the market, and evaluates them to obtain a better understanding of the capacity and use of these products.
A guide that provides a gender perspective to achieve equity in health, based on biological factors, gender roles and relationships, as well as sociocultural factors.
A UOC news report that explores how gender bias affects the design, recommendations and implementation of health policies, taking digital platforms into account.
Dr Paula Johnson's TED Talk on how medical research often ignores the difference between men and women at the cellular level, and how this influences disease and its treatment.
Dr Alyson McGregor's TED Talk on how most medications have only been tested on men, meaning that their side effects on women are unknown.
A Spanish breast cancer research foundation. It promotes research, education and outreach to provide information about treatments and side effects.
A private non-profit charitable institution, which aims to promote teaching and research related to senology and breast cancer, and to facilitate and promote the work of the professionals in this field.
A non-governmental organization that undertakes and promotes activities, training and awareness-raising actions on women's health.
A collaborative organization for the research of medicines with a gender perspective in clinical practice.
A foundation that works to reduce gender inequalities in health.
A foundation that promotes research into biological sex differences in disease, and improvements in women's health through science, policy and education.
A group of activists working to shape policy and support consumers' health decisions, monitoring the work of regulatory agencies and the healthcare industry.
An association of professional women working in public health which fights for gender equality for health and care workers.
A multidisciplinary organization dedicated to advancing medicine and improving women's health. It works to promote women doctors, defend equality and guarantee quality in healthcare.
A coalition of health professionals and patient advocate organizations with expertise in women's health, charged with developing, reviewing and updating recommendations for preventive service guidelines for women.
A set of resources provided by the Catalan Women's Institute on the subject of health and gender, regarding inequalities in access and treatment.
A network of women which fights to guarantee women's access to neutral and truthful information, and works to counter the excessive medicalization of women in natural processes.
A non-governmental organization promoting gender equality in public health, research and social policies in Europe.
This dictionary is intended to be a practical tool of reference to all professionals that might need to use the sexual and reproductive health basic terms. It contains 120 terms with definitions in Catalan and denominations in Catalan, Spanish and English.
This ‘Dictionary of Mastology’ offers to users almost 1.100 terms; in particular, terms about mammary anatomy and physiology, diagnostic techniques, breast pathology and treatments. It includes definitions in Catalan and denominations in Catalan, Spanish, French, Italian and English.
Librarians responsible for this library guide
Àgueda Mercadal
Operative subgroup: Librarian for Psychology and Education, vocational training Operative group: Library for LearningElisabet Cervera
Operative subgroup: Librarian for Health, ICT skills Operative group: Library for Learning