Library guides
Subject: Information and Communication Sciences Computer science, Multimedia and TelecommunicationsTechnology: press and latest news
Of technology everybody talks around the world and in the network there are a wide range of sources of information. The generalist newspapers of over the world dedicate complete sections to current topics about technology and there is a big variety of publications more or less specialized that put the focus on the news and on transversal aspects which can be determinated to understand the technology nowadays.

General media
The general media all over the world dedicate spaces to the current technology.
Section of the newspaper aimed at disseminating information about aspects relating to technologies.
Technology section in the El País newspaper that highlights current news in the field of technology from a general perspective, with special attention to Spain and Latin America
US newspaper with a technology section offering news related to the technology revolution, with special attention to what's going on in the United States.
Section of the newspaper La Vanguardia online that collects the current news of the technologies and how is changing the way to communicate of the society.
Technology section news relating to technological innovations.
Technological section of the North American online edition of the news agency, with the target to update the different media on aspects related to the news technologies.
Section devoted to news about technology, published by the El Mundo newspaper.
Section of the ABC newspaper that spread all the news about topics related to the news technologies in general and the world of telecommunications.
Librarians responsible for this library guide
Neus Malagarriga
Operative subgroup: Librarian for Information and Communication Sciences Operative group: Library for LearningLis Balcells
Operative subgroup: Librarian for Computer Science, Multimedia and Telecommunications, vocational training Operative group: Library for Learning