Josep Laporte i Salas. Honorary Doctor
The President of the Institut d'Estudis Catalans (IEC), Josep Laporte i Salas (Reus, 1922), and honorary doctorates from the University of Catalonia (UOC) died in 2005 when he was 82 years old. The Rector Gabriel Ferrate, on the spot where he invested Doctor Honoris Causa, March 2003, recalled the first contact with Laporte during the transition period and the time when asked Laporte first stand in the front of a then project called Open University. "It is fair to claim that the UOC exists Laporte determination and openness to new ideas."

"It is fair to claim that the UOC exists Laporte determination and openness to new ideas."
The result of the search by keyword "Laporte i Salas, Josep" from the Catàleg Col·lectiu de les Universitats de Catalunya (CCUC). Here you will find books, documentation of all types, like dossiers and sound recordings.
Point of entry to the biography of Dr.Josep Laporte i Salas made by the Great Catalan Encyclopedia.
The Catalan Government's former minister of Health, Education and Universities, and currently president of the Institut d'Estudis Catalans, Josep Laporte i Salas (born in Reus, 1922), became the first person to be made doctor honoris causa by the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC), in 2003.
Organizations and institutes
A body founded in 1872 with the aim of becoming a platform and meeting place of healthcare professionals in Catalonia and the Balearic Islands. It has no links with any other official bodies, and is keen to promote the study and cultivation of the health sciences in all their aspects (the human, the technical, the social and the civil aspects), not only on the assisting side, but also on the side of teaching and research. Its web page is structured around four main sections: academic, services, news and information. It includes a section with latest news on the sector.
Foundation website that comes as an instrument to strengthen and encourage diverse tasks outreach and cultural promotion, that it is developed from within the Fortuny Theatre in Reus (Tarragona).
A web page of the Departament de Sanitat i Seguretat Social of the Generalitat de Catalunya, the highest official body in Catalonia regarding health matters. Here you will find all kinds of official information on alcohol and drugs, foods, pharmacy, the elderly, environmental health, diseases, and so on. It has a section with the latest news from the sector.
Access to this organisation's Web pages, where you may find fairly interesting information on statistical data, educational norms, information on educational centres, etc.
A general and university hospital with the highest accreditation level. With six centuries of existence, it represents the doyen hospital institution of the Spanish state. Its activity focuses mainly on Barcelona, even if it extends to the whole of Catalonia. In addition it has a remarkable incidence and projection throughout Spain. It gives special attention to all teaching and research aspects, which are so important for the betterment of professionals. Its web page is organised around four main sections: the hospital, the activities, the guide, and the present day (diary, excerpts from the press, a newsletter and interesting links).
The Institut d'Estudis Catalans is an academic, scientific and cultural institution with the aim of high scientific research and, specially, that of the elements of the Catalan culture. In this page you willl find general information on this institution, and in its section on the Catalan language, you may check some interesting documents regulating aspects of the language.
The web site of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, a public, dynamic and innovating institution devoted to research and teaching, which combines a deep rooting in the nearest environment with a decided attitude of openness to the outside. Its response to its commitment to society is its offer of studies, services and high-level research activities.
Website of the University of Barcelona, educational institution closely linked to the history of Barcelona and Catalonia, one of the main Spanish state's public universities. It have a wide range of educational qualifications ranging from first and second cycles to specific degrees and postgraduate, masters and doctoral programs, as well as being a leading university research centers and European Spanish, both in the number of research programs as for the excellence achieved in this field.