Library guides
Subject: MultidisciplinaryFinal projects with a gender perspective
Incorporating the gender perspective in final projects is essential for ensuring inclusive and equitable academic research. This library aims to guide you through the process of completing a final project and highlights the importance of incorporating the gender perspective at each stage of the project. This library guide not only provides practical resources, but also seeks to raise a critical and inclusive analysis which considers gender differences as a key factor in the production of knowledge.

Starting point
Resources that encourage reflection on the need to include the gender perspective from the beginning of the project.
An infographic with a step-by-step summary on how the gender perspective is incorporated into research.
Material including questions for starting to reflect on how to include the gender perspective in our research.
BIGLIA, Bárbara and VERGÉS-BOSCH, Núria. Qüestionant la perspectiva de gènere en la recerca. In: Reire : revista d’innovació i recerca en educacio. 2016. Vol. 9, núm. 2, pàg 12-29. ISSN 2013-2255.
A document with reflections and tools for research from a feminist perspective that also includes experiences.
MENDIA AZKUE, Irantzu, et al. Otras formas de (re)conocer: Reflexiones, herramientas y aplicaciones desde la investigación feminista. Bilbao: UPV/EHU, 2015. ISBN 978-84-16257-02-7
A guide aimed at the research community that uses case studies to present how to incorporate the gender perspective in research.
ROGG KORSVIK, Trine and RUSTAD, Linda Marie. What is the gender dimension in research? : Cases studies in interdisciplinary research. Norway: Kilden, 2018. ISBN: 978-82-12-03745-8
A practical manual for incorporating the gender perspective in research work (bachelor's and master's degree final projects) produced by the University of the Basque Country.
A document produced by the University of La Rioja on including the gender perspective in research studies (bachelor's and master's degree final projects).
CASTREJÓN, Noelia Barbed, et al. Guía para la incorporación de la perspectiva de género en los Trabajos Finales de Grado y Máster de la Universidad de La Rioja. La Rioja: Universidad de La Rioja, 2022. ISBN: 978-84-09-45954-4
A project involving a resource for the preparation of a bachelor's or master's degree final project with a gender and intersectional perspective.
A selection of content to support research staff in the application and incorporation of the gender dimension in research.
The UOC style guide, with guidelines for ensuring diversity and a gender perspective in audiovisual content.
A document produced by the University of Vic - Central University of Catalonia, containing recommendations on avoiding androcentric bias in science, and writing scientific and technological projects with a gender perspective.
Librarians responsible for this library guide
Mireia Castillón
Operative subgroup: Law and Political Science resource manager, vocational training, gender perspective Operative group: Library for Learning