Library guides
Subject: Psychology and Educational SciencesEducating the future. Inaugural lecture 2024/2025
The opening ceremony for the academic year is an opportunity for the university community to come together and engage in debate. This content that we have selected invites you to reflect on the central theme of this year’s inaugural lecture: what our future education should be like.

Current challenges
Resources to explore the challenges currently facing the world of education, from generative artificial intelligence's impact in classrooms to the training of citizens with critical digital awareness, able to understand and help tackle key global issues. They also highlight the need for lifelong learning to make students better prepared in an ever-changing world.
Interview with Anna Pons, analyst and project lead at the OECD Directorate for Education and Skills, on the challenges facing education.
Webinar in which university teaching staff identify the key issues to be dealt with by future professionals in the fields of education and social and educational action.
Documentary reflecting on the possible impact of using the latest technologies and digital tools in education.
Article on the challenges and opportunities entailed in the use of AI in university education.
Ward, D. [Doug], Loshbaugh, H. G. [Heidi G.], Gibbs, A. L. [Alison L.], Henkel, T. [Tim], Siering, G. [Greg], Williamson, J. [Jim], Kayser, M. [Mark]. (2024). How Universities Can Move Forward With Generative AI in Teaching and Learning. Change: The Magazine of Higher Learning, 56(1), 47-54.
News report on best practices in the use of AI tools applied to education with a summary of the main trends of 2024 in the form of an infographic.
Webinar providing a practical explanation of what AI is and how it can be applied to learning, with ideas on how teaching and assessment can be adapted to this new learning scenario.
ACUP (Catalan Association of Public Universities) declaration on universities' commitment to provide a transformative education to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.
Article discussing the coexistence of several generations in a single higher education setting and exploring the adaptation of the Workplace Intergenerational Climate Scale (WICS) for analysis in universities with the aim of encouraging intergenerational learning.
Rodríguez-Gómez, D. [David], Gonzalez-Ramirez, T. [Teresa], Armengol, C. [Carme]. (2024). Intergenerational climate at higher education: validity of the Spanish version of the workplace intergenerational climate scale. Frontiers in Education, 9, p.1323104.
Interview with the philosopher Marina Garcés about today's major crises, including capitalism, individualism, progress, resource depletion, finitude, power structures and more.
Interview with the epidemiologist Cristina O'Callaghan on the world's global health challenges amid the current manmade climate and environmental crisis, which are discussed in greater detail in the webinar Salut planetària.
The ‘E-learning vocabulary’ includes about fifty terms related to digital learning environments. It offers definitions in Catalan and denominations in Catalan, Spanish, French and English.
More than two thousand terms related to education: general and social pedagogy; education research, organization and management; psycopedagogical organization; didactics; special education and education technology. With definitions in Catalan and denominations in Catalan, Spanish, English and French.
Librarians responsible for this library guide
Àgueda Mercadal
Operative subgroup: Librarian for Psychology and Education, vocational training Operative group: Library for Learning