Library guides
Subject: MultidisciplinaryE-government
E-government, also known as electronic government, e-gov, Internet government, digital government, online government or connected government, is a new alternative for interaction between citizens (natural persons) and businesses (legal persons) and the state, regional and local administrations and town councils, among others. It is based on the use of the information and communication technologies (ICT) to design, develop and implement digital tools and environments enabling communication and administrative procedures between citizens and businesses with the administrations and is supported and motivated by constant organizational and legal changes.
Interoperability is the capacity of the information services, in this case of the public administrations, and the procedures they support, to share data and enable the exchange of information and knowledge, thereby fostering inter-administrative collaboration with the objective of facilitating citizens’ administrative procedures.
Section on interoperability of the Portal de Administración Electrónica (PAe), featuring information and related links on technical regulations, the National Scheme for Interoperability (ENI), the Centre for Semantic Interoperability (CISE), and so on.
Section of the Portal de Administración Electrónica (PAe) with diverse information on the National Scheme for Interoperability (ENI). Article 42 of Law 11/2007 creates the National Scheme for Interoperability.
Royal Decree regulating the National Scheme for Interoperability (ENI) and establishing all the criteria and recommendations to be taken into account by the public administrations in making technology decisions that ensure interoperability.
Action of the ISA Programme (Interoperability Solutions for European Public Administrations) monitoring the main activities of European countries in terms of interoperability, the national interoperability framework, alignment with the European Interoperability Framework and other initiatives. A record is produced for each country to show the state of the art.
Section on interoperability in the European Union of the Portal de Administración Electrónica (PAe). It features information and links related to achieving interoperability between EU administrations as a mechanism to improve the efficiency and efficacy of the provision of services while being a solution to contain the multiplication of costs.
Article exploring the influence of the interoperability initiatives in the information services of the public administrations.
Soares, D. [Delfina] and Amaral, L. [Luis]. (2011). Information systems interoperability in public administration: identifying the major acting forces through a Delphi study. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research, 6(1), 61-94.
Article exploring the role of metadata in inter-administrative cooperation, using interoperability.
Interoperability networks
Interoperability networks are those inter-administrative collaborations that ensure the right of citizens not to provide documents that are already held by the different public administrations. They foster exchange of information between the different administrations and there are different types of initiatives at a national and autonomous community level, among others.
Platform providing a series of interoperability services between the information services of the Catalan administrations and the bodies of the General State Administration.
Extranet enabling communication between the Catalan administrations and the management of inter-administrative procedures. Managed by Consorci AOC. Tool linking councils and local administrations together.
Following what is set out in Law 11/2007, the SARA Network creates a communications network between ministries, autonomous communities, local authorities and other public bodies, and with other European institutions and from other Member States. This network interconnects the public administrations in a reliable, secure, capable and flexible way.
Librarians responsible for this library guide
Elisabet Cervera
Operative subgroup: Librarian for Law and Political Science, Doctoral School Operative group: Library for Learning