Mendeley tutorial

Add citations and create bibliographies automatically

To insert citations into your text and create bibliographies, you need to download an add-in, Mendeley Cite, which is currently available for Microsoft Word. You can install it from Microsoft AppSource or from

Mendeley cite


It is available for the following versions:
Word 2016 or later
Word for Mac (Microsoft 365)
Word for Windows (Microsoft 365)
Word online version (not currently compatible with tablets or mobile devices)

Students and teaching staff can use the Microsoft 365 Office software free of charge with their UOC email

  • After installing it, you will find the Mendeley Cite add-in with the red and white logo inside Word, in the References tab in the top menu. Click on the tab. 
Mendeley cite a Word


  • An add-in window will open in a side panel in Word. Click on Get Started to open a pop-up window in your default browser where you can sign in to start a session.
  • Enter the login details for your personal Mendeley account or create a new one if you don't already have one. 
Iniciar sessió a Mendeley cite


  • Go back to Word. In the Mendeley add-in window you will see all the bibliographic references you have saved in Mendeley.
  • To add a citation, place the cursor in the document where you want to insert it.
  • In the Mendeley Cite window, tick the box to select the reference you want to insert and click the Insert citation button.
Afegir referències Mendeley Cite


  • To create a bibliography, place the cursor where you want it to appear in the document and go back to the Mendeley Cite add-in window. 
  • Click on the three dots to access the More menu and select Insert Bibliography from the drop-down menu.
  • Mendeley Cite will add the references using the citation style you have selected. The bibliography will be reordered and restructured automatically every time you add a new reference.
Inserir bibliografia Mendeley Cite


  • You can change the citation style in the Mendeley Cite window by selecting Citation Settings / Citation Style / Change citation style
  • You can also set the language in Citation Settings / Citation Style / Citation language.