Mendeley tutorial

Import references

You have several alternatives. You can do it manually, or use the automatic import features.

Mendeley web importer


  • After you have installed it, find the extension in your browser's toolbar, click on it, and sign in with your personal Mendeley account details. Create one if you don't have one yet
Web importer navegador


  • The extension will show you the bibliographical information that can be automatically imported into your Mendeley account from the websites you visit. Select which references you want to add, then click on Add to import them. 

You can add bibliographical references while browsing pages such as Google Scholar, the Library's search engine and databases such as Scopus. If a PDF is available in open access format, it will also be added to your account automatically.

Importar referències Mendeley Importer


  • When using the UOC Library search engine, you can import a title's bibliographical information straight into Mendeley by clicking on the three dots icon
three dots icon. 


  • Then click on the Mendeley button which will appear at the bottom.
Opció mendeley a Biblioteca

  • In Mendeley, click on + Add new / Add entry manually to enter a bibliographical reference. Then fill in the fields with the relevant bibliographical information such as the title and author and click on Add entry.

Mendeley will complete the data automatically if you enter the identifier code (DOI, PMID or ArXivID).

Importar manualment


  • ● You can use + Add new / File(s) from computer to upload one or more documents to your account, preferably in PDF format. Mendeley will add the document's metadata automatically if it has them. 
Mendeley Files


  • After creating the reference, you can add a document to it using the Files option.
Mendeley Files


  • You will find the latest documents and references you have added in the folder called Recently Added.

Afegit recentment Mendeley


  • You can also import files in RIS (.ris), BibTeX (.bib) or Endnote XML (.xml) formats. The PDF will not be imported in these cases. You will need to download it to your computer and upload it again.
Importar arxiu mendeley