Press play! Learn something new with 12 videos and documentaries from the Library
Subject: Multidisciplinary
New documentaries on the female pioneers of electronic music, emerging artists and female orchestra conductors.
Academic Video Online is a streaming platform with over 63,000 videos from production companies such as the BBC and National Geographic.
As well as articles and books, the Library search engine can be used to find videos. There are over 80,000 documentaries, theatrical performances, concerts and television programmes.
Many of them form part of the Academic Video Online collection, a kind of Netflix or Filmin designed for learning. Many of the videos are in English, and are available with simultaneous transcription into Spanish so users can follow the content.
Here are some of the videos that can be found in the collection.
New releases
A French documentary in which female international orchestra conductors talk about the challenges they have faced during their careers. It is a demanding profession in itself, but the interviewees have also had to struggle to overcome gender stereotypes. A woman's gestures are not firm enough for many musicians, or they believe that female conductors cannot possibly tackle the more masculine classical repertoire, such as Beethoven, Verdi and Wagner.
A feature length critique of the American art world. The documentary follows a group of emerging artists at a make or break point in their careers: some of them will be catapulted to fame and others will be left behind. The artists featured include a figurative painter who uses social media to publicize her work and a sculptor who uses 3D printing to imitate classical sculptures. Their art is diverse and breaks down barriers, challenging an industry whose rules are constantly being rewritten. The experiences of these new artists are interleaved with interviews with art critics, dealers and artists.
In 2004, the director of this documentary, the Norwegian Audun Amundsen, was looking for a place where he could escape from consumerism and Western culture. He found it with an indigenous tribe in the Indonesian archipelago of Mentawai, living with them for an entire month. His experience in the jungle had a profound effect on him, and he returned regularly over the next 14 years to photograph and film the Mentawai community and revisit his friend, the shaman Aman Paksa. The director narrates the documentary in the first person, explaining how the Mentawai are being transformed as they come into contact with technology, trade and the urban environment.
Suzanne Ciani, Laurie Spiegel, Pauline Oliveros, Clara Rockmore and Delta Derbyshire. Have you heard of them? They were pioneers of electronic music, female composers who played with machines and technology to completely transform how we listen to music today. The documentary examines the roots of electronic music, focusing on the contributions of women such as Clara Rockmore, who experimented with the theremin, one of the first electronic instruments, and Delta Derbyshire, the composer of one of the first electronic pieces broadcast on television, the theme tune to Doctor Who (1963).
This documentary is set in an isolated community of just 35 inhabitants in California's Death Valley. When the mine that provided work to the townsfolk closed down, most of the population left, and the families that remain live without a government or services, next to a mountain used to test military hardware. The feature length documentary tells the story of the inhabitants of Darwin and their reasons for staying in a place where life is so hard.
Los favoritos de la UOC
Entre los vídeos más vistos por la comunidad universitaria hay representaciones de teatro y audiovisuales para profundizar en los conceptos del aula.
Complete performance of Giacomo Puccini's opera.
Simple tips for using SEO and marketing techniques and driving traffic to your content.
A short video explaining how the advertisement that presented the Apple Macintosh to the world during the Super Bowl was devised.
A series of videos on how to improve your memory if you are studying for an exam, learning a language or just need to memorize something.
Complete performance of Mozart's composition.
A CNN series featuring entrepreneurs explaining how they put their business ideas into practice.
This film uses archive images of Jean Piaget to present a general overview of his developmental theory, its scope and content.
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When you find a video you want to watch on the Academic Video Online platform, click on the Transcript option in the menu at the top. This will open a window at the side of the viewer with a full transcript.

Then click on the Translate transcript button at the top on the left and select your preferred language.
If you have any questions about Academic Video Online, please ask The Library Replies.