Library guides
Subject: MultidisciplinaryOpen educational resources
Open educational resources (OERs) are didactic modules, textbooks and other teaching and learning resources provided for free under a copyright licence that grants the user permission to engage in the '4 Rs': reuse, revision, remixing and redistribution.

What is OER
Wikipedia entry for the term Open educational resources (OERs). It contains abundant information on OERs, as well as a helpful list of bibliographical references.
Wikipedia entry for the term Open Access. It offers detailed information, as well as a variety of bibliographic references.
Open Resources on Open Educational Resources: A UOC-UNESCO Chair in e-Learning project aimed at promoting the use of open educational resources (OERs) by using the UOC's open-access repository, O2, to collect and centralise key OERs on OERs (OERs showing how to create, license and share other OERs).
Open educational resources (OERs): what are they? How do they work? Who's using them? Why do they matter? What are the drawbacks? Where are they headed? What are the implications for teaching and learning?
Guide for students to take advantage of open access.
Guide for teachers to take advantage of open access.
Guide for researchers to take advantage of open access.